Module 7 Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

One of the most useful tips in this module was to use apps that’ll help you study, relax, or whatever else you may need. I tried the Cold Turkey app because I always find myself getting lost in my plone for hours. I have a tendency to want to run through all my social medias, YouTube, and look at sports news as soon as it’s time to do work. Cold Turkey gives the the chance to lock your phone down of all distractions for one hour. I did not do the full hour because I like to take breaks, but the app really helped me keep on task. In the future, I would like to use an app like Calm to help with stress. There was also an app in the slides that tried to wake you up when you were in a certain stage of sleep based off your body movements. I fojnd that highly interesting, but I cost too much. Hopefully si will be able get it or something likeĀ  it in the future. My advice to other students would be to put down the phones. We all know how distracting our cell phones are to us, so I would recommend Cold Turkey.