Lab 3: Creative design thinking

In today’s lab the team began to brainstorm ideas of how the AEV should be designed. There were ideas of building a futuristic-looking design that is extremely aerodynamic. Some of these ideas included the Star Wars X-Wing, an SR-71, an U2 and a stealth bomber. The group then narrowed down the options and began to develop individual sketches of the different ideas. When designing the AEV models the group had to keep in mind some of the constraints set in place. These constraints include the limited number of components within the AEV kit and the groups limited experience with 3D modeling and printing new pieces. Some other constraints come from the track itself and some of the tasks the AEV must complete. The group then took each person’s sketch and chose some of the best features to create the final sketch. The final sketch resembles an X-Wing. This option was chosen because it looks to be relatively simple to construct while also being lightweight and efficient.


Link to Full Report for Lab 3
