Lab 2: External sensors and system

Lab 02 began with a tutorial on how to use the lab wind tunnel. The wind tunnel contains various measurement devices that allow for amps, wind speed, power, RPM’s, and thrust data to be collected. During the tutorial sample data was collected using a set of propellers and varying the voltage percent setting of the attached power supply. This gave example data for all of the measurements mentioned earlier. Having this data allows the groups to solve for things such as the calibrated thrust, the power input, and power available, these things will be taken into account when designing the AEV.

After the lab demonstration the group did work to catch up on Lab 02. During lab two the arduino our group used had some issues that cause problems when trying to run the code. The group received a new working arduino and were able to test our code on the motors of the AEV. Because of this, the groups was able to finally test the code which ended up having some minor issues. By the end of lab all issues were resolved to an extent and the group was able to advance onto Lab 03.


Link to Full Report for lab 2
