

In front of the Sanssouci

As we raced to our 11:20 am tour, we were all wondering if it was worth it. Passing by the beauty in Potsdam, Germany, all we wanted to do was slow down, pull out our cameras, and be as touristy as possible.

It only took studying a map to figure out where we were going, but finally we reached our destination. Looking up, we caught our first glimpse of the Sanssouci Palace, which in French means “without worries,” and man was the run worth it.

Our adventure really started when we applied to study abroad in Berlin through Ohio State Newark’s spring break study abroad program. For our research, the architecture of the Sanssouci Park emerged as a topic of mutual interest. Many of the buildings in the Sanssouci Park were built by Frederick the Great of Prussia in the 18th century. The architecture of the Sanssouci Palace gives insight into Frederick’s life, perception, and identity.

On this website, you can learn more about Frederick the Great, his impact on Prussian history, and the Sanssouci Palace.

-Sierra Hess and Lauren Snyder