Dr. Abdollah Shafieezadeh is the Lichtenstein Professor of Structural and Infrastructure Engineering at Ohio State University and leads the Smart and Resilient Communities initiative at the Sustainability Institute at OSU. He is also the director of the Risk Assessment and Management of Structural and Infrastructure Systems (RAMSIS) lab and an affiliate member of Translational Data Analytics Institute at OSU. His expertise and interests are in multi-fidelity computational modeling and integration with data-driven methods, uncertainty quantification techniques, and decision making under uncertainty aiming to enhance the resilience and sustainability of built and natural systems.

Shafieezadeh received the Sam Nunn Security Fellowship on the role of technology in public policy, has contributed to public and policy understanding of climate challenges, testified before U.S. Senate on the topic of climate change resilience, and has over 200 publications and presentations. He serves on the Editorial Board of Structural Safety among other journals and is the Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 

Faculty Website: OSU Department of Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering
Faculty Lead: Smart and Resilient Communities Initiative
Lab: Risk Assessment and Management of Structural and Infrastructure Systems (RAMSIS)
Email: shafieezadeh.1@osu.edu