
Motiv8 but #7

Sadly, the blog posts are reaching their end and I doubt I can finish another before the deadline 😂😂. Even though I might not get another one done, I am motivated and focused on completing this blog for module 7 by 5pm. The most useful thing I learned in this module was the connection between focus and motivation. A low focus can result in low motivation and similarly laser focus can result in very high motivation. I believe that helps me because it allows me to narrow my focus and work on one part at a time, knowing that the growth in one area will promote growth in another. That work has already begun, as I have found a soundtrack for focusing. Listening to the playlist helps me tune out outside noise, but also does not distract me from the task at hand allowing me to concentrate much better. Another area I have improved in which I recommend as a great piece of advice is eliminating distractions. Typically, I would keep things in the background while focusing on my assignments or area of work, but that creates more opportunity for distraction. Being fully devoted to each task at hand is the best way to maximize your time and quality of energy being given. Distractions and this blog after I publish it will be out of sight, and out of mind.

Just For Me #3

Getting away from my habits of procrastination and getting straight to the point. This is module #3 about procrastination and time management. Both, areas that I could use a lot of extra work in. Honestly, there were a lot of great takeaways for me, but the exercise on tracking time had the most benefit to me. The time management table is a great way to be intentional about your time, and make sure you are maximizing what time you have. It also helps keep me on track and focused on things I must do or deadlines I should be working on. Putting the exercise into use, I saw an increase in the amount of sleep I was getting per night. The ideas from this module I will be putting into practice are the 3 techniques to beat procrastination. Each time I find myself wanting to procrastinate or drag something out, I will try tackling it by applying the techniques. I will make a habit of doing so, that way my urges of procrastination are replaced by redirects to productivity. The advice I would give you fellow students is to be in charge of your time, don’t let it be in charge of you. I find myself always trying to catch up to time, time management can help you stay ahead.

Mindless Behavior #4

Some of you may remember the at one time popular boy band mindless behavior. That band did in fact have four original members, but all of that is completely irrelevant to this post. This post is about module 4 which discusses online learning strategies and (the reason for the title of this blog post) reading. Before we dive into the boring things though, one of the great tools shared with us this module was quizlet. It has been a wonderful study method for exams and remembering information. In a class that I shared with a friend; we would do collaborative quizlets for our exams. This consisted of us teaming up to add terms and definitions of exam material all together in one quizlet and using it to learn, study, and quiz ourselves over the information. I highly recommend quizlet as a study tool to any fellow students and I will start trying to be proactive with my use of it and not waiting until I have an exam to make one. Module 4 also talks about adapting what already works, and that is exactly what I intend to do with quizlet. By consistently engaging myself weekly with placing new information in and reviewing what is there already, I can develop healthy study habits.

But I Type Faster #5

Story time :). So I used to be a super smart kid, really into school and learning and just all of it. Fast forward…pretty smart kid, not enjoying high school and learning and just all of it. Being engaged became more difficult for me and I found myself distracted more, or more easily. That is why I need to start handwriting my notes again. In module 5, I learned about active listening. Active listening is the process of taking steps to engage your mind and effectively process the information you hear. It is part of the reason I have difficulty taking notes or keeping up with lecture. That is also why I prefer taking notes on my laptop, because I feel I can type much faster than I can write. I am also more digital and not very organized. Having to keep track or take care of papers and things becomes a hassle or they get damaged and computers save files so easily…that is until they stop working when you need them the most of course. Back to the relevant information, I worked on my hand note taking and breaking down information and only writing what is relevant or important. Each time I tried, I did a little bit better and felt more comfortable in my notes. The idea I’m excited to practice from this module is the test comparison of handwriting on paper and handwriting on a tablet. I recently had to replace my laptop due to issues and the new one I have is touchscreen and has a pen for tablet mode. I am interested to see how Thomas Franks’s experiment works out for me.

Netiquette like the State? #2

If any one happens to come across this post, you are probably wondering what is that word at the beginning of the title? Is it a person? Is it a thing? Is that a nickname for Connecticut? Or maybe you happen to be really smart and already know what it is or were able to decipher the words net and etiquette and get an idea. Whoever you may be or whatever you may have thought, Module 2 teaches that netiquette is how we behave online or in other words, our internet etiquette. Although there are numerous components of internet etiquette, the one I recently learned more about and is the most useful to me is email communication. Growing older and becoming more intertwined with the outside world and the “adult life” there is a different system and means of communication. This communication although not hard, has different parts and pieces and formalities that shape what is “professional” and accepted. The biggest idea I can apply towards my email etiquette is the importance of your first impression and wanting to present yourself as your best self. Many interactions come from email and how you carry yourself and can lead to leaving a lasting impression. A big lesson I am learning is that the small things matter and they can really make a difference. Paying attention to detail and being thorough are the best pieces of advice I think you can take from this module. At least for me they are.