Hello hello!
My name is Emily Sandahl, and I am in my fourth and final year here at Ohio State! My major is Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife with a specialization in Forestry and Wildlife (however, I absolutely love fish/aquatic sciences too.) I feel so fortunate to be in this major, and to be in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. I feel as if I have really found myself, and I grow more and more with each day, with each course, and with each semester. I applied for college with the trajectory to become a Science and Mathematics Education major- when I told my mom I was going to switch to Forestry and Wildlife, she said “ah, I always thought you liked plants more than people.” Oh boy, was she right, and oh boy, I did not know just how much my love would grow over these past years. I am extremely excited for Ohio Plants this semester; I’m thrilled to continue learning, and I sure do love when I get to use a class as an excuse to buy a new field guide. I would love to brush up on my woody plant ID, and learn herbaceous plant ID for the first time! Plant identification, right next to freaky facts about wildlife, is one of my favorite ‘party tricks’!
When choosing a symbol for myself, I chose to draw a version of the bat tattoo that I have above my knee. Bats are my favorite animal, and I love to look down and see one each day. For my quote I chose “please picture me in the trees;” this is a lyric from my favorite Taylor Swift song, Seven. I hope that those who remember me, picture me in the trees. Alternatively, another quote I live by (and also have a tattoo of in my parents handwriting, if you are sensing a pattern) is “may the forest be with you.” Below are some pictures to perhaps get to know me a bit better, and see these tattoos I keep talking about!