Final GE Assignment

For our final project, I chose to research a Filipino artist who is inspired by her culture and nature in her artwork; Patricia Eustaquio. While researching, it became clear to me that Eustaquio focuses on the perfection of imperfections. Her work uses a lot of line and mark-making to create texture and tell a story in her abstract style. I first mapped out all of the pieces that make up her work (in my opinion). I then devised a plan of how to incorporate all of these details into my own recreation of her art. After making a digital sketch, I brought my piece to life with the use of charcoal, ink, sharpie, and graphite.

One thought on “Final GE Assignment

  1. Emily,
    I feel as though you chose a perfect artist to research as you both have very similar styles in your works, or you are just exceptional at replication. I really enjoy your use of value and shapes in your work. The dark center of the piece really creates beautiful positive and negative space. I also really like how you included the flower you used for your piece in your final photos. This gives life to a piece that seems very dark without the pop of the bright pink color. The shapes you used to create an ‘outline’ for the piece also really create movement as you look at the work. My eyes seem to trail back and forth from the top to the bottom of the drawing, following the peak of the diamond shape down to the vertex of the lower triangle. I also like how when one of the flowers interacts with multiple shapes the value flips between each shape, where the positive space becomes the negative and vice versa.
    When reading you paper I feel as though you chose to include just what was needed to make this paper concise and intriguing. I found when writing mine it was difficult to keep everything to just over one page as I felt like I am used to writing papers that are typically much longer, so fitting everything to one page was challenging. Patricia is an amazing artist and I really enjoyed learning about how much emotion is in her works. They remind me of geometric tattoos I often see people get for some reason. I really enjoyed the example work you included that is located lower than the other on your paper. This one stood out to me because of how it resembles the shape of a flower, and you can tell that within that boundary there is a flower drawn, but it doesn’t match up with it. It is a different angle drawn within the outline of what seems to be that same flower. It is further changed by the patterning and mark making she chose to use. It is very captivating.
    If I had to change anything about you paper the only thing I can really think of to say is to separate your thoughts into multiple paragraphs rather than one giant paragraph (obviously this is nothing major as what you wrote is more important than the formatting). I also feel that because this paper is so short, that if you say the same thing twice it stands out more just because we were told to be concise (such as when you said mainly uses black and white colors twice).
    I wonder if you could’ve subtly added the pink color to your drawing how that would’ve changed the emotion and perception it brings. Overall you did a great job though and I really enjoyed getting to learn about Patricia and to see how you adapted and interpreted her works!


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