Big Assignment #2

My inspiration for this assignment was my view of the world during the current pandemic. The majority of my day is spent sitting at a desk, studying for hours upon hours. Once in a while, I have the chance to go outside for a breath of fresh air, which is where the drawing on the left comes into play.  To connect this piece,  a door was drawn in the middle, depicting the gateway between my room and the outdoors. When collaged together, this scene shows what I am hoping for in the near future; an open door leading into the outside world. Being in quarantine and constantly having to avoid what used to be normal is the most difficult thing happening in our lives right now. This drawing shows what we all had taken for granted and now want more than ever; freedom. (I used black drawing ink and a ball point pen to complete these drawings.) 

2 thoughts on “Big Assignment #2

  1. I absolutely love the tree lined walk and can’t wait to hang it in my office! : )
    You never cease to amaze me!

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