Week 11 : Big Assignment Post #1

To begin my perspective panorama, I have chosen two different scenes of which I captured the line and depth. One scene looks down a brick path in between two buildings. I have omitted the trees and shrubbery along the line of the path, to allow for its addition after adding value to the surrounding objects. The second scene acts as a transition between the outside pathway and the next drawing that will be posted later. The open door portrays the space between the outdoors and indoors.

One thought on “Week 11 : Big Assignment Post #1

  1. Hi Emily, this looks like a great start to this assignment! You have set up a really interesting narrative already with the door acting as a mediator between your interior and exterior scenes. I am excited to see what you choose as your interior space. Right now during the pandemic, this image of the open door can be actually extremely powerful. We are stuck indoors most of the time and have to stick to our own spaces. This image of a long road with a clear horizon line can also be a symbol of the future, which is quite unknown. Right now you have that space blank and I wonder what you will put there – I think you can get creative and take some artistic license to tell the story you want to in this work.

    This drawing is extremely architectural, which is exciting! I can see you are using the ruler to your advantage here to really draft this clear and precise illusion. I would pay attention to that and think about how you want to react to that structure. Maybe you really play into the geometry of the architecture. For example, I am actually really interested in your not about omitting the shrubbery and greenery. Maybe you don’t ever add those details, or maybe when you do you make them totally wild or fantastic.

    Another idea — what if you used frottage to create the value/texture of the bricks? It would be an easy way to also make a gradient that fades out into another space, depending on how you use pressure to pick up the textured surface with your graphite or charcoal.

    Again you have so many paths to take here in the progress of this drawing and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes!

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