Engineering in our everyday lives

What Is Engineering?

  • Engineering is the application of math, science, technology, and experience to create a system, component, or process that serves our society.

Where is it used?

Provided below is the link to an article written by Professor Stephen Ressler on the different areas where engineering is used. The article was written on January 26th, 2018. The article was posted on The Great Courses Daily which is a website for professors to post information. Since the information is recent and from a credible source it is a good reference link.


Recent Advancements!!

Engineers are the reason we have the technology we have today. The field of technology is ever growing and engineers lead the way to further advancements in various fields. Below is another article on recent technological advancements reported by MIT in 2018.


Tesla Cars

Tesla cars are one of the most recent inventions that hit the market by storm. These cars run purely on battery and are the first of their kind to be completely battery powered and still have the power of a regular car. Provided below is the link to an article on the Tesla website talking about their journey to create the car. This was written by the CEO of Tesla on the launch day of its first car. It is a reliable source as it is straight from the original website.




Still Interested?

One of my favorite books is Basic Machines and How They Work. It is a book written by The Naval Education and Training System. In this book, they talk about how different everyday machines work. They give the details on how they were built and the physics behind the structures. In my opinion, it is a must read! Provided below is a link to purchase the book on Amazon.