
Week 7: Reflection

Critique Reflection

While completing this assignment there were many triumphs but also some challenges. Some challenges that I came across while creating Big Assignment #1 was using ink in the first place. I realized quickly how difficult ink is to work with. I immediately got intimidated with how dark it was and watered it down and this really helped me have control over the piece. I believe that overall, I created a very strong piece that I am proud of but there is always room for improvement. There were definitely some strong points throughout this piece. I think that my use of measurement and contour line drawings had a great impact on the piece and greatly helped when it came to putting down the ink. I also was very conscious about negative and positive space, and I feel like my drawing really consumed the page which I loved. When it came to mark making, I felt like I was took concentrated with what marks to actually make that I lacked in the value department. One of the main comments I took away from the critique is that although my piece had a great range of value, I could have enhanced the drawing if I would have made my darkest darks stronger. By enhancing the value of my lights and darks, the piece would have had greater contrast and this would have made my drawing a lot stronger. In conclusion, there were many strong points in my piece such as mark making, contour line and value but some things that I could have done differently were enhancing the contrast in some areas to make this drawing even stronger than it already is.