2004 Events

This fall, among other events, we will host a series of panel discussions on topics ranging from campaign finance to the legacy of the 2000 election, with featured speakers including FEC Chairman Bradley Smith and Ohio Governor Bob Taft.

The Legacy of Election 2000 If the System Fails Again?

October 21 | Noon to 1:30 pm

Pre-Event News Release | Summary | Photos 

featuring: Bob Taft, Governor of Ohio
with: Moritz professors Steven Huefner, Peter Shane and Daniel Tokaji
co-sponsored by: Center for Law, Policy and Social Science


False Campaign Ads: Pros and Cons of Regulation

October 11 | Noon to 1 pm
Pre-Event News Release | Summary | Photos

featuring: William P. Marshall, Kenan Professor of Law, University of North Carolina and former Deputy White House Counsel and Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States during the Clinton Administration
with: Moritz professors Edward B. Foley and David Goldberger


Electronic Voting: the 2004 Election and Beyond

September 23 | 1 pm – 4:45 pm
Program Information 

featuring: David Dill, Professor of Computer Science, Stanford, Michael Shamos, Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon, and Henry Brady, Professor of Political Science, Berkeley
with: Moritz professors Peter Shane and Daniel Tokaji
organized by: Center for Law, Policy and Social Science
CLE: 2.75 hours approved


Money & Politics 2004: New Rules, New Practices

September 15, Noon to 1 pm
Summary | Chairman Smith’s Remarks | Columbus Dispatch Article

featuring: Bradley E. Smith, Chairman of Federal Election Commission
with: Moritz professors Edward Foley and Donald Tobin
CLE: 1.5 hours approved