Inca Ceramic

Inca Gold work

Inca Gold work


Origin: This bowl is Inca gold work. The Inca were undoubtedly the best at gold work.

History: The Incas were the most complex and culturally enriched group that the Spanish conquered. The Inca empire spanned from Colombia to Chile. The society was ruled by Sapa Inca in Cuzco . The Inca had their own language (Quechua), their own agriculture systems (terraces), and their own social organizations (ayllus.)

Relevance: This item is relevant to discovering the lives of the Inca people. This piece gives an insight to the intricate gold work of the Inca culture.

The Inca religion revolved around their creator-god Viracocha. Many gold pieces contained attributes to Viracocha and to the Sapa Inca. The Inca had the themes of reciprocity and complementarity in their every day lives. Whenever figure appear in their handcrafts, they are equally spaced to exemplify these themes.






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