In my personal opinion, the most useful thing I learned throughout this module is how to get the most out of studying and putting principles of learning into proper practice. This video was useful because it explained to me how to study effectively in college, and getting the most out of my time spent on studies. While studying, there is two types of processing: shallow processing and deep processing. Shallow processing is focusing on meaningless and superficial aspects. Deep processing is focusing on the meanings and implications of the material, which leads to connected thinking and learning. Good study strategies make you process information at a deep and meaningful level, focusing on comprehension. According to Dr. Stephen Chew, there are three research-based strategies to help achieve deeper processing while reading. The first strategy is question generation. After reading a chapter of material, you should create questions about the information you have just learned. Creating questions allows you compare and contrast information, analyze, and make stronger connections to the material. The second strategy is creating a concept map of the topics ideas. This allows you to link ideas and concepts together in order to create a better overall understanding. The third strategy is to practice retrieving and using the newly learned information in ways that your instructors expect you to be able to do. This means to practice the material without referring to your notes or books, and then to apply the information as expected by your teacher. These tips have helped me to improve my study habits while also making them more useful and beneficial.  

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