Session III: Posters

The following students presented posters  at the 2014 Student Research Forum during Session III. Click the thumbnail photo to see the full-sized image. Although we tried to photograph each student manning their poster, we were unable to get photos with every student. Long abstracts will be added soon.

Jessica Bennett & Gloria Lopes-Rizzi

Presenters Jessica Bennett & Gloria Lopes-Rizzi

Jessica Bennett & Gleides Lopes-Rizzi
Educational Studies, Special Education
Dr. Ralph Gardner, Advisor

Title: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students’ Through-the-Air English Skills: A Review of Formal Assessments
Abstract: This literature review explores three of the most commonly used langauge assessments for deaf and hard of hearing students who use sign, and examines how the assessments were adapted and administered; how reliability and validity were preserved; and how these assessments be used to guide both language and literacy interventions in the classroom. Contact:,

Sean Dahlin

Presenter Sean Dahlin

Sean Dahlin
Human Sciences, Sport Management
Dr. Donna Pastore, AdvisorTitle: Coaching Efficacy: A Literature Review
Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to provide a review of literature regarding coaching efficacy, specifically the conceptual model of coaching efficacy. Contact:


Jessica Dicke

Presenter Jessica Dicke

Jessica Dicke
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Steven Devor, AdvisorTitle: Reliability of a Wireless Accelerometer for the Assessment of Postural Control in Older Adults
Abstract: An accelerometer-based balance assessment (ABA) may serve as a convenient alternative or supplement in the assessment of postural control and fall risk stratification in older adults. The specific aim was to validate the ABA as a fall risk screening instrument. Contact:

Risa Haridza

Presenter Risa Haridza

Risa Haridza
Teaching and Learning, STEM
Dr. Karen Irving, AdvisorTitle: Comparison the Development of Science Education Curriculum in Indonesia and the US
Abstract: This literature review will compare science curriculum development in Indonesia and in the US, analyzing several factors that strongly influence curriculum design and curriculum decision making. Contact:


Songyee Hur

Presenter Songyee Hur

Songyee Hur
Human Sciences, Consumer Sciences
Dr. Leslie Stoel, AdvisorTitle: Examination of Customer-Generated Knowledge Using Nethography
Abstract: This study examines how consumers act as active creators of fashion information in a virtual community-based, customer-centric model and explores customers’ behavioral manifestations toward a brand or retailer using a customer engagement value model.

Daud Jiwandono

Presenter Daud Jiwandono

Daud Jiwandono
Teaching and Learning, Foreign, Second, & Multilingual Language Education
Dr. Adrian Rodgers, AdvisorTitle: Student Teaching: An Essential Period in Preparing Professional Teachers
Abstract: This paper will provide insight into the student teaching process in Indonesia and the US. Programs will be compared with suggestions for improvement. Contact:


Kyoung Tae Kim

Presenter Kyoung Tae Kim

Kyoung Tae Kim
Human Sciences, Consumer Sciences
Dr. Sherman Hanna, AdvisorTitle: Changes in Risk Tolerance of US Households During the Great Recession
Abstract: This study focuses on how the recent economic shock impacts a household’s risk tolerance, which plays a salient role in a household’s financial decisions. The panel dataset from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) provides a unique view of the changes in US households’ risk tolerance during the 2007-2009. Contact:

Richard LaFountain

Presenter Richard LaFountain

Richard LaFountain
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Steven Devor, AdvisorTitle: Validation of VO2max Assessment and Magnetic Resonance Cardiac Function Measurements Utilizing an MRI Compatible Treadmill
Abstract: Maximal oxygen consumption testing and MRI cardiac function measurements represent the gold standard in measurement of cardiorespiratory health. MRI-compatible equipment required to combine these measures are unavailable to date. Specially designed treadmill and modified metabolic measurement equipment were used to validate metabolic testing immediately adjacent to a clinical MRI system. Contact:

Seulki Ku

Presenter Seulki Ku

Seulki Ku
Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science
Dr. Xin Feng, AdvisorTitle: Preschool Children’s Lying: Effects of Gender, Temperament, and Parenting
Abstract: This study examined the effects of childrens’ gender, temperament, and parenting style on lying. A sample of 83 preschoolers and their parents participated in the study. Girls lied more than boys, less fearful boys lied more, boys’ lying increased when mothers were more authoritative and less authoritarian, and fearfulness was the only significant predictor for lying. Contact:

Jae Min Lee

Presenter Jae Min Lee

Jae Min Lee
Human Sciences, Consumer Sciences
Dr. Kathryn Stafford, AdvisorTitle: Income Expectation, Saving, and Loss Aversion Using the SCF 2007-2009 Panel
Abstract: Households show an asymmetric pattern of consumption in response to income changes. Based on loss aversion theory, the purposes of the study are to prove relationship between expected income change and savings of households and to investigate influential factors on the likelihood of saving during the recent crisis. Contact:

Emiliano Melgar-Bermudez

Presenter Emiliano Melgar-Bermudez

Emiliano Melgar-Bermudez
Human Sciences, Human Nutrition
Dr. Ouliana Ziouzenkova, AdvisorTitle: Regulation of Thermogenic and Lipogenic Adipogenesis by Branched Chain Amino Acids and Their Oxidized Metabolites
Abstract: Obesity is regulated by white and brown adipose tissues. Branched chain amino acids such as L-valine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine and their oxidized metabolites affect the expression of the major genes that regulate the formation of these tissues. I am studying the effects of these metabolites on the adipocytes. Contact:

Elizabeth Palmer

Presenter Elizabeth Palmer

Elizabeth Palmer
Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science
Dr. Keeley Pratt, AdvisorTitle: Couple and Family Therapists’ Views on a Weight and Body Awareness Curriculum and Preliminary Weight-Bias Results
Abstract: This study explores Couple and Family Therapists’ views on a weight and body awareness curriculum and presents the preliminary results of student-therapists’ self-reported weight-bias towards overweight clients. Results are further analyzed for contextual differences in participants reported weight-bias based on gender, age, race, experience level, and self-reported weight status. Contact:

Jackie Palmer and Valerie Heiss

Presenters Jackie Palmer and Valerie Heiss

Jackie Palmer, Allison Burgess & Valerie Heiss
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Janet Buckworth, AdvisorTitle: Social Relationships and BMI in Undergraduate Students
Abstract: This study focused on determining the relationship between undergraduate students’ BMI and their own family, friend, roommate, and dating relationships with persons who are obese. It is important to better understand the factors that influence weight discrimination before an intervention targeting this issue can be created. Contact:,,

Seung Yeon Park

Presenter Seung Yeon Park

Seung Yeon Park
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. David Porretta, AdvisorTitle: Motor Skill Learning of Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Review of the Literature
Abstract: The aim of this review is to synthesize the current findings with respect to motor skill learning of individuals with intellectual disability. A systematic analysis through electronic databases using keyword searches was performed to identify articles from 1981 to June of 2013. Several findings have emerged to extend knowledge regarding the extant litliterature. Contact:

Riana Permatasari

Presenter Riana Permatasari

Riana Permatasari
Teaching and Learning, Reading & Literacy in Early & Middle Childhood
Dr. Adrian Rodgers, AdvisorTitle: Teachers’ Limitations and Challenges that Impede Their Roles as Agents of Change in the US and Indonesia
Abstract: Teachers have a responsibility to be agents of change in order to make the education system better. However, there are some limitations which affect teachers’ performance in the US and Indonesia in their roles as agents of change. Further, these limitations challenge teachers to be effective and productive agents of change. Contact:

Kevin Schill

Presenter Kevin Schill

Kevin Schill
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Steven Devor, AdvisorTitle: Oxygen Consumption and Muscle Fibrosis in the mdx Mouse: Influence of Treadmill Running
Abstract: This study examined the effects of treadmill exercise on disease pathology in the mdx mouse – the mouse model for Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Exercised mdx mice have significantly lower baseline oxygen consumption and time-to-exhaustion on a VO2 max test than sedentary mdx mice, indicating poorer oxygen utilization and aerobic capacity. Contact:

Theresa Settle

Presenter Theresa Settle

Theresa Settle
Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science
Dr. Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, AdvisorTitle: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Abstract: This study investigates the importance of family portraits in understanding family dynamics. Family portraits will be coded in terms of product (the piece, itself) and process (how the portrait was created), and the new coding system will be validated using accepted measures of family dynamics. Contact:

Nicole Walton

Presenter Nicole Walton

Nicole Walton
Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science
Dr. Keeley Pratt, AdvisorTitle: Childhood Obesity and the Role of Child Protection
Abstract: The purpose of this review was to explore the role of child protective services in the case of medical neglect pertaining to childhood obesity. Three main themes included: support of removal for severely obese children, the handling of less severe childhood obesity cases, and obesity as a secondary child protection issue. Contact:

Menglin Xu

Presenter Menglin Xu

Menglin Xu
Educational Studies, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (QREM)
Dr. Jerome D’Agostino, AdvisorTitle: Effects of Reading Time on Reading Achievement among US teenagers: Evidence from PISA 2009
Abstract: This study aims to explore the relationship between possessions of educational facilities, reading time and reading achievement among US teenagers. Data is drawn from OECD Programme on International Student Assessment (PISA) collected in 2009. Due to the nested nature of data, multilevel structural model will be adopted. Contact:

Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado

Presenter Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado

Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado
Educational Studies, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement
Dr. Ann A. O’Connell, AdvisorTitle: Effect Sizes in a Single-level and Multilevel Context
Abstract: This study will provide a comprehensive summary of effect sizes from a single-level and multilevel context. For multilevel modeling, both the proportional reduction in variance as well as the effect size defined as the standardized mean difference will be presented in the context of educational research. Contact:

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