Eligibility Guidelines

In order to be eligible for an EHE Graduate Student Department Travel Award, graduate students must:

  • Be pursuing a graduate degree in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University.
  • Be in good standing in the Graduate School (including a minimum 3.0 CPHR).
  • Maintain reasonable progress towards a graduate degree. (Please check program website or handbook for specific requirements.)
  • Be presenting results of original research at national and/or international professional meeting.
  • Submit a complete travel award application and receive approval prior to travel taking place.
  • Students may only be awarded one department and one ORIC EHE graduate student travel award per academic year with a maximum of three department and three ORIC awards per degree pursued.
  • ORIC will accept external to OSU funding as a match as long as they have the necessary information to confirm the funding. Please make sure to attach the approval of the funding award to the application as part of the additional funding awards attachment. Award approvals should indicate the funding source/organization, amount of funding to be received, and conference. Personal funding is not considered a matchable fund.
  • Staff employees (full or part time) enrolled in an EHE graduate student program are eligible for the travel grant.  
  • Student statement of account must be paid in full.   

Note: If a student graduates prior to the presentation taking place, the student is not eligible for the travel award as they will no longer meet the eligibility criteria of pursing a graduate degree in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University.