In addition to the EHE Graduate Student Department Travel Award and EHE ORIC Graduate Student Travel Award, there are other opportunities to obtain travel and professional development funding at The Ohio State University.
- The Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service (Ray Award) encourages and enables graduate students across the university to participate in professional conferences, both in their respective fields and in the broader academic community, by reimbursing or partially reimbursing the expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present original research. Unlike other programs that grant travel funds, the Ray Award gives substantial weight to the applicant’s service to his/her department, the university, and the surrounding community. Ray Award judges also take into account the academic standing of the applicant, the applicant’s professional goals, the nature of the conference being attended, and the applicant’s ability to convey the focus of their research to a general audience. Click here for details and the application.
- Grant Opportunities through the Graduate School:
- The Office of International Affairs supports graduate research abroad through a variety of scholarships and grants. The Office of Research maintains a directory of Ohio State sponsored and external funding opportunities for graduate students and various colleges and departments provide funding opportunities to support student research as well. Faculty and staff may also be aware of specific awards to support research endeavors.
- Critical Difference (CD) is a scholarship/grant offering program of The Ohio State University offering financial support to students, faculty, and staff. The Women’s Place (TWP) and CD are closely connected as TWP is the administrative home of CD.