Date |
Speaker |
Host |
27-Aug-2015 |
Title: |
3-Sep-2015 |
Title: |
10-Sep-2015 |
Corey Welch, Iowa State University |
Meg Daly |
Title: |
Approaches to diversifying who succeeds in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Programs |
17-Sep-2015 |
Title: |
24-Sep-2015 |
Andi Wolfe, The Ohio State University |
Title: |
Species Diversification: A tale of two genera |
1-Oct-2015 |
Nancy A. Moran, Univ. of Texas-Austin |
Zakee Sabree
Title: |
Biology and genomics of gut bacteria in social bees |
8-Oct-2015 |
Marymegan Daly, The Ohio State University |
Title: |
15-Oct-2015 |
Autumn Break |
Title: |
22-Oct-2015 |
Melissa DeBiasse, Louisiana State University |
Meg Daly |
Title: |
Patterns of genomic and phenotypic variation over evolutionary and ecological timescales in marine invertebrates |
29-Oct-2015 |
Bill Peterman, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources |
Lisle Gibbs |
Title: |
Patterns in time and space: Population connectivity and persistence of salamander and frogs |
5-Nov-2015 |
Molly Morris, Ohio University |
Susan Gershman |
Title: |
Evolution of Alternative Reproductive Tactics in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus |
12-Nov-2015 |
Audrey Sawyer, OSU School of Earth Sciences |
Jim Bauer
Title: |
Taking the pulse of tidal fresh rivers |
19-Nov-2015 |
Scott Nuismer, University of Idaho |
Lisle Gibbs
Title: |
Local Adaptation and Coevolution |
26-Nov-2015 |
Thanksgiving Break |
Title: |
3-Dec-2015 |
Tom Givnish, University of Wisconsin |
Andi Wolfe |
Title: |
Monocot evolution and determinants of diversification |