Author: Steven Nagel
Scavenger Hunt Blog 2
Sara’s Scavenger Hunt
Ilex verticillata
Common Winterberry
Lenticel: A pour on the stem that is an adaptation for getting air into the stem. Resembles a dot or line.
Found growing in the Chadwick Learning Gardens outside of Howlett Hall, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on October 1, 2014.
Hypanthium: Sepals and petals fused at the base. Often found in plants of the Rosaseae family.
Found growing in courtyard next to Postle Hall, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on September 26, 2014.
Sunrise Sunset Rose
Rosaceae Family: identified by the many stamen and five sepals.
Found growing in the Chadwick Learning Gardens outside of Howlett Hall, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on October 1, 2014.
Trifolium repens
White Clover
Fabaceae Family: identified by the presence of a banner and keel in the petals.
Found growing in the grass next to Jennings Hall, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on October 1, 2014.
Sight ID
Vitus sp.
Recognized by its vining growth habit, cordate leaf base, and clusters of berries.
Vine found growing on Howlett Hall, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on October 1, 2014.
Juglans nigra
Recognized by walnut fruit on the ground, and somewhat serrate, compound leaves changing to yellow.
Tree found growing near Mirror Lake, Ohio State University, Franklin County, OH, on October 1, 2014.
Scavenger Hunt
Hannah Maurer
Sight ID
Juglans nigra
Found in yard outside of Jennings Hall
Identifiable Characteristics: Opposite pinnate leaflets and unique green fruits
Platanus occidentalis
Found near Mirror Lake
Identifiable Characteristics: Toothed margins and 3-5 lobed leaves, whitish peeling bark
Character Items
Parallel Venation
Found in courtyard outside Jennings Hall
Definition: A leaf with parallel venation has one main vein reaching from the base to the tip, with multiple veins running vertical alongside of it. The veins do not cross each other, they are parallel to one another.
Arcuate Venation, Dogwood
Found in courtyard of Jennings Hall
Definition: A leaf with arcuate venation has one main vein reaching from the base to the tip of the leaf. The veins that branch off horizontally from the main vein reach almost to the edge of the leaf, but before touching the edge, they “arc” and curve back towards the main vein.
Family Items
Member of the Apiaceae family
Found in courtyard outside of Jennings Hall
Conserved character: Umbel inflorescence, tall stems
Member of the Solanaceae family
Found in courtyard outside of Jennings Hall
Conserved characters: 5 sepals, superior ovary, herbacious, alternate leaves
Scavenger Hunt
A member of the Asteraceae family: Frosty Igloo
Found in the Chadwick Arboretum by Kottman Hall. I identified this plant as part of the Asteraceae family because it has head inflorescence and fused bracts called phylleries.
A member of the Poaceae family: Korean feather reed grass
Found in the Chadwick Arboretum by Kottman Hall. I identified this plant as a member of the Poaceae family because it had sheathed leaves, and a flower organized in a spike inflorescence with a pair of bracts on each spikelet.
Sight Identification: Lonicera spp.
Found on the Olentangy Bike trail near the Lane Ave. bridge. I identified this as a bush honeysuckle because it had opposite leaves, red berries in four clumps, and a hollow stem.
Sight Identification: Rosa multiflora
Found in the Glen Echo ravine along the trail by the fourth street entrance. I identified this as multiflora rose because of its general form: a multi-stemmed shrub with arching stems and thorns. I forgot to get a picture of this character, but it also had “eyelashes” on the stipules.
Produces berries: Viburnum dilatatum
Found in the Chadwick Arboretum near Kottman Hall. This species of Viburnum had structures were you could see where the fruit had attached. Berries are simple fruit that have fleshly inner and outer ovary walls. In other words, they are fleshy and soft all the way through.
Produces an umbel: Milkweed
Found in the Chadwick Arboretum near Kottman Hall. This species of milkweed is a perfect example of umbel inflorescence. An umbel is when each individual flower in a cluster comes from a single point at the top of a stem.
Scavenger hunt-M.Friel
A member of the Lamiaceae family: Notice the square stem, covered in hairs, with the opposite leaves. Also, the purple hue to the leaves lead me to believe this plant is Purple Dead Nettle.
A member of the Apiaceae family: The defining character was the flowers are arranged in an umbel. Common name Wild Carrot.
A plant that produces achenes: These dry, indehiscent fruits are numerous inside sunflowers. Sunflower “seeds” are not really seeds but achenes.
A plant with prickles: You would consider these prickles because they are easily taken off the epidermis of the plant and are not modified leaves or shoots. They are softer then thorns or spikes and cover the entire stem, not a few areas on this Teasel.
Acer Rubrum: Also known as red maple, these simple leaves are lobed. The defining character would have to be the red color of the leaf.
Aster novae-angliae: Also known as New England Aster, the flower has a purple color with numerous petals with radial symmetry.
Scavenger Hunt
Plant that produces legumes: Honey locust at Prairie Oaks Park. This bean pod is from a honey locust tree. It is a legume because it produces seeds inside of this pod.
Plant that produces flowers in a panicle: Goldenrod at Prairie Oaks Park. A panicle is showcased here in this goldenrod because of the branching characteristics in the inflorescence.
Plant in the Apiaceae family: Queen Anne’s Lace at Prairie Oaks Park. The defining characteristic that puts this plant in the Apiaceae family is the umbel shape of the inflorescence.
Plant in the Rosaceae family: Multiflora rose at Prairie Oaks Park. This plant is in the Rosaceae because of the hip fruit and serrate leaves.
Acer sacccharum: Found at Prairie Oaks Park. This plant is opposite and the leaves are palmately shaped/veined.
Celtis occidentalis: Found at Prairie Oaks Park. The distinctive warty ridges of the bark give this plant away. The leaves were too high to see any galls, but the leaf shape was correct. The specimen is the tree on the left.
Scavenger Hunt
A plant with obovate leaves
Obovate leaves definition- leaves that are wider near the tip or apex of the leaf.
Asimina Triloba (pawpaw)
Description- alternate leaves, large obovate leaves, entire margins, pinnate venation, glabrous, prefers moist environments, green edible fruits.
Found behind Jennings Hall.
A plant with actinomorphic flowers
Actinomorphic flower definition- a flower that has radial symmetry. Can be divided into identical sections along any plane.
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (yellow daylily)
Description- trumpet shaped yellow flowers with radial symmetry, long arching leaves, superior ovary, fruit are capsules, 6-merous.
Found outside of apartment buildings along 12th street.
Toxicodendron radicans (poison ivy)
First identified because of characteristic 3 compound leaves with middle leaf extending on long petiole. I also noticed it because it had begun changing colors, which is common for poison ivy to do early in the fall. Other characteristics of poison ivy are that it is a woody vine and can have variable leaf margins but are many times toothed or lobed.
Found at Alum Creek park.
Fraxinus spp.
Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash)
Determined to be an ash because of the compound, opposite leaves. Also the distinctive brown buds that sit on top of a “D” shaped leaf scar. I decided that it was a green ash verses other varieties because the bud sat on top of the leaf scar, unlike white ash that have buds sitting down in a “C” shaped scar. I also found the seedling in a wet-mesic are, a preferred site for green ash. I was unable to find any plants bigger than this due to emerald ash borer killing almost all of the larger trees in our area.
Found at Alum Creek park.
A member of the Lamiaceae with an explanation of the characters that you used to determine the family identification
Species unknown
The characteristics I used to determine that this plant was in the mint family was first of all the most obvious, the aroma. Next, I felt the stem and confirmed that it was square. I also noticed that the leaves were opposite and serrate. And finally, I felt that the plant was pubescent. All of which are common characteristics for the family.
Found behind Jennings Hall.
A member of the Poaceae with an explanation of the characters that you used to determine the family identification
Bamboo is not what would typically come to mind right away when thinking about the grass family. It is, however, a member. Typical family characteristics that I found that it possesses are alternate leaves, tubular sheathing leaves with blades at nodes, and ligules or thin membranes where blades are attached.
Found in my backyard.
Scavenger Hunt at Shale Hollow Preserve
Shale Hollow Nature Preserve is a relatively new preserve in Delaware, Ohio. Every weekend I take my dog to a different park and this week’s destination was Shale Hollow! After reading about the variety of habitats in the preserve’s relatively small area I decided this would be a great place to go on my plant scavenger hunt.
As I stepped out of my car into the parking lot I caught site of my first target species, Pokeweed, or Phytolacca americana. It was growing in a culvert on the edge of the parking lot with some other weeds and grasses and was easily recognizable by its dark purple fruits growing on a bright fuchsia stem.
As I began to walk the preserve’s main gravel trail I caught sight of an Ulmus spp., the other species I needed to find. I recognized it by the double serrated alternate leaves. Unfortunately, the brown fringes on the leaf edges indicative of Dutch Elm disease were also a clue to this plant’s identity.
As the forest transitioned into a prairie I came upon a large clump of wild grape. I had to pull through it a bit to find a good example of a character I was looking for, tendrils!
Upon entering the prairie I was surrounded by a sea of yellow. But the vibrant color wasn’t coming from the Canadian Goldenrod that I was used to seeing, but rather a member of the Fabaceae family, Partridge Pea, or Camaecrista fasciculata. The plants had four part flowers as well as legume fruits that made it obvious they were part of the pea family.
On the the edge of the prairie trail, overshadowed by tall grasses was a single Solanaceae plant. Since it was all on its own and had but a single, large fruit, I couldn’t pick it for ID. It was also done flowering so Newcomb’s wasn’t much of a help. Despite being a mystery species this plant was definitely a Solanaceae as evidenced by the broad, uniquely shaped leaves, herbaceous growth pattern and its green, tomato-like fruit wrapped in 5 sepals.
The last character I had to find was capsule fruits. It proved to be a bit difficult, but on my way out I walked past the Preserve’s planted bed of native plants. Coreopsis lanceolata was my saving grace. This plant was in flower so I was able to ID it and it also had the dry capsule fruits I was looking for.
Scavenger Hunt
Sight ID: Lindera benzoin
Found near Jennings Hall
Sight ID: Solidago candensis
Found near Jennings Hall
Member of Lamiaceae with an explanation of the characters used to determine family ID.
Characters: aromatic leaves, squares stems, opposite leaf arrangement, and five flower parts.
Found near Jennings Hall
Member of Rosaceae with an explanation of the characters used to determine family ID.
Alternate leaf arrangement, 5 flr parts, varied fruit, prickles (wild).
Found in orchard in Pataskala OH (Lynd’s Fruit Farm)
Plant with Gynoecium composed of many carpels
Found in Gahanna Woods Nature Preserve.
Plant with Gynoecium composed of one carpel
Found in Gahanna Wood Nature Preserve