Oxalis stricta
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Native to North America
Field Notes: 09/17/14 Found in backyard lawn of Columbus, OH. Disturbed land, dry soil, surrounded by other weeds. The alternate leaves of the Yellow Wood Sorrel have distinctive heart-shaped leaflets. There are three palmate leaflets in each group of leaflets. The yellow blooms have not fully bloomed yet, they bloom anytime between July and October.
Oxalis corniculata
Creeping Wood Sorrel
Native to United States of America
Field Notes: 09/17/14 Found in backyard lawn of Columbus, OH. Disturbed land, dry soil, surrounded by other weeds.
Plantago aristata
Bracted Plantain
Native to United States of America
Field Notes: 09/17/14 Found in backyard lawn of Columbus, OH. Disturbed land, dry soil, surrounded by other weeds.