Prairie Oaks Specimens


Cichorium intybus
Common Chicory
Introduced, naturalized species.
This specimen was found on the edge of a wooded area next to a prairie.



Cirsium vulgare
Bull Thistle
Introduced, naturalized species.
This specimen was found on the edge of a prairie next to a parking lot.





Solidago gigantea
Late Goldenrod
This specimen was found on the edge of a prairie next to a parking lot.

To narrow the goldenrod down to species was difficult, and I’m still not sure it’s entirely correct. I based my identification on the reddish main stem that is covered in a white, glaucous coating which can be rubbed off. This specimen also has the three veined trait that some goldenrods possess. This means a prominent mid-vein, and two veins that run parallel to it.

One thought on “Prairie Oaks Specimens

  1. Asteraceae plants are known for its head inflorescence which you can kind of see in the common chicory. (Second picture)

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