Call For Proposals! EHE Student Research Forum


Call for Proposals
2017 Student Research Forum

Ohio Union
February 24, 2017 — 8:30am to 2:45pm

The EHE Student Research Forum highlights the research efforts of undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Education and Human Ecology. Students can present their research either in an oral presentation format or by creating and displaying a poster.

Apply to present at  or go to

General Submission Guidelines

The deadline for proposal submission is Midnight on Sunday, October 30, 2016. All applicants will be notified via email by December 16, 2016 on the outcome of their submission. Questions may be directed to Rebecca Chacko at

Each student can only be the primary presenter on one oral presentation and one poster presentation. Each presentation needs to cover different research studies or different aspects of the same study and requires a separate proposal application. In the case of multiple presenters, a maximum of three individuals is allowed, including the primary presenter. The primary presenter will submit a single application on behalf of the entire group. The primary presenter will need the following information for all presenters:

  • Presenter Name (first and last)
  • Presenter OSU email (
  • Department and program
  • Advisor name (first and last)
  • Advisor OSU email (
  • Number of previous times presenting at EHE Student Research Forum.

Priority will be given to those presentations that describe completed research.

Presenters are expected to spend the entire day at event (just as at any other conference). Lunch will be served.

Proposal Submission Format and Content

1. Title: The project title should be no more than 20 words long (shorter is better).
2. Program Booklet Description: 350 characters maximum (approximately 50 words).
3. Presentation Type: Oral Presentation or Poster
4. Research Type: Priority will be given to Type 1: Completed Research Studies. Types 3, 4 and Type 5 are presented via Poster only.

Research Type Proposal Content Requirements Oral Presentations? Posters?
Type 1: Completed research study –context and purpose
–objectives/research questions
–methods used
–major findings/outcomes
–broader implications of your work
Yes — 15 minutes and 5 minutes of discussion Yes
Type 2: In progress research study –context and purpose
–objectives/research questions
–methods used
–preliminary findings and outcomes
Yes — 10 minute presentation with 10 minutes of feedback Yes
Type 3: Proposed study –context and purpose
–objectives/research questions
–proposed methods
–three questions for attendees to provide feedback on
No Yes
Type 4: Literature review –research question or problem
–how you organized the literature that was reviewed (findings, ideas or themes) and the relationships you found
–why and how the study will contribute to existing knowledge
No Yes
Type 5: Instrument validation –purpose of instrument
–intended population or audience
–what is measured
–reliability and validity discussion
No Yes
  1. Proposal: The purpose of the proposal is to provide a concise and informative summary of your project. The required content for the proposal is described in the above Presentation Type table. This is the content that will be used for the review process. In the online application, you will be asked to fill in a separate field that corresponds to each of the proposal requirements. The content of your proposal should fit the research and scholarly traditions of your field, but keep in mind that people outside your field will be reading and evaluating your abstract. Avoid technical jargon.You will be sent an e-mail confirmation upon receipt of your application.  If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation, please email Rebecca Chacko at

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

Pauline Lipman Lecture and Open Discussion October 20-21 in Ramseyer Hall

Pauline Lipman



Neoliberal Education Policy and Anti-Black State Violence

October 20, 2016, Ramseyer Hall, Room 250 29th W. Woodruff Ave



On Activist Research

October 21st 10:00 – 11:30  Ramseyer Hall Room 136


Graduate Student Meeting with Lipman

October 20, 10-11 in RA 136


Pauline Lipman is Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Director of the Collaborative for Equity and Justice in Education at the University of Illinois-Chicago, member of the leadership body of Teachers for Social Justice–Chicago, and co-director of the Data & Democracy Project.  She is active in a range of coalitions with teachers and community organizations, and the author of numerous journal articles, book chapters, and policy reports, focusing race and class inequality in education, globalization, and political economy of urban education, particularly the inter-relationship of education policy, urban restructuring, & the politics of race.


Recent open-access works


Lipman, Pauline (2013).  Collaborative Research with Parents and Local Communities:

Organizing against racism and education privatization.  Forum Oświatowe


Gutstein, R. and Lipman, P. (2013).  The Rebirth of the Chicago Teachers Union and Possibilities for a Counter-Hegemonic Education Movement.  Monthly Review.   65(2)


Lipman, P. (2011). Contesting the city: neoliberal urbanism and the cultural politics of education reform in Chicago. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Educ, 32,


Lipman, P. (2012). Mixed income schools and housing policy in Chicago: A critical examination of the gentrification/education/”racial” exclusion nexus


Lipman et al., (2014). Root Shock:  Parents’ Perspectives on School Closings in Chicago


Relevant open-access Works by Others

The Movement for Black Lives  Platform,


Jacobin (2013).  A Class Action.  [booklet on the 2012 Chicago Teachers Strike, free pdf: ]


Videos and Podcasts

2015 Chicago Teachers for Social Justice Keynote with Dr. Monique Redeaux—Smith, with responses by Jeanette Taylor-Ramann, Jitu Brown, Prudence Browne, and Pauline Lipman

On Democracy Now discussing 2012 Chicago Teachers Union strike

Privatization, Charters & High Stakes Tests: Arne Duncan’s Legacy.  Real News Network.  Interview with Pauline Lipman and Jose Luis Vilson.

Podcast:  Pauline Lipman (2013) “Dimensions of an emergent counter-hegemony in education: Reflections on Chicago” Havens Center, U. of Wisconsin.

Podcast:  Pauline Lipman (2013).  Education and Urban Crisis.  Havens Center, U. of Wisconsin.



Penn State Distinguished Professor Dr. Linda Collins Presentation 9/29

The EHE Research Methodology Center (RMC) is Proud to Present Penn State Distinguished Professor Dr. Linda Collins!


penn-state-dr-linda-collins Featured Speaker: Linda Collins, Ph.D.    

The Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) for Developing More Effective, Efficient, Economical, and Scalable Behavioral and Biobehavioral Interventions

Thursday, September 29, 9:30 – 11:00am, Ramseyer 260


Director of The Methodology Center at Penn State, Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), and Professor of Statistics Linda Collins will present her groundbreaking work on adaptive designs and intervention optimization.

Behavioral and biobehavioral interventions (BBIs) are used widely for prevention and treatment of health problems, and for promotion of well-being and academic achievement.  BBIs are typically developed and evaluated using a treatment package approach, in which the intervention is assembled a priori and evaluated by means of a two-group randomized controlled trial (RCT).   Dr. Collins will describe an alternative framework for developing, optimizing, and evaluating BBIs.  This framework, called the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST), is a principled approach that has been inspired by ideas from engineering.  Dr. Collins proposes that MOST offers more rapid long-run improvement of the effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and scalability of BBIs, without requiring a dramatic increase in research resources.


Click here to sign up!




All RMC events are free, and open to all faculty and graduate students.  However, RSVP’s are requested for all events.  Use the links provided to register! You can find our calendar of events, methodology support, consulting help, and RMC news at our website at


To subscribe/unsubscribe, please contact Sandra Reed at



National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Sponsor: National Academy of Education

Deadline: 10/06/16

The Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world.

Visit the website here for more information.

WANTED: 2016-2017 Methodological Colloquium Presenters

Methodological Colloquium Announcement 2016Sent on behalf  of Dr. Gugiu:


Hi everyone. With fall fast approaching it is time to plan for this year’s Methodological Colloquium series. The last 2.5 years have been very successful. In total, there have been 50 presentations, which were attended by a total of over 200 distinct faculty, students, and staff. Let’s keep the ball rolling.


I am soliciting presenters for the 26 time slots available for this year’s colloquium series (see attached schedule). I am looking for faculty, graduate students, and research scientists who would like to present on a methodological topic of their interest. I am interested in presentations that focus on either qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Any innovative methods that you or your colleagues are working on would be of great interest to our group of attendees. If you are interested in presenting or would like to suggest the name of a presenter, please email Dr. Cristian Gugiu ( Colloquium Announcement 2016