Summer 2023 Courses

Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement ESQREM 

ESQREM 6625: Introduction to Educational Research (3 Credits)  

Class #:0010 (10930), 0010 (10931)

Room: Online

Day/Time: Tuesday/Thursday 4:45-7:10pm

Instructor: TBA


Designed to acquaint students with the nature of the research process and strategies for conducting studies of various aspects of education and related fields.

ESQREM 6641: Introduction to Educational Statistics (4 Credits)

Class #: 0010 (10604), 0020 (10605), 0030 (10606)

Room: Arps Hall 102 or Online

Day/Time: Monday/Wednesday 4:45-7:10pm, Tuesday 2:30-4:00pm, or Tuesday 4:30-6:00pm

Instructor: TBA, Ian Wei


An introduction to quantitative techniques, with an emphasis on educational settings. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for EduPL 786.

ESQREM 7999: Thesis Research: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (1-18 Credits)

Class #: Multiple Class Offerings

Room: TBA

Day/Time: TBA

Instructor: Multiple Instructors, TBA


Research for master’s thesis purposes only. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 cr hrs or 30 completions. This course is graded S/U

ESQREM 8658: Applied Multilevel Data Analysis (3 Credits)

Class #: 0010 (10736)

Room: Online

Day/Time: Time

Instructor: Minjung Kim


Methods for the analysis of multilevel data with an emphasis on impact of intraclass correlation, analysis strategies, estimation, model testing, and interpretation. Prereq: 7648 and 7658, or permission of instructor.

ESQREM 8999: Dissertation or Thesis Research: Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (1-18 Credits)

Class #: Multiple Class Offerings

Room: TBA

Day/Time: TBA

Instructor: Multiple Instructors, TBA


Research for thesis or dissertation purposes only. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable. This course is graded S/U.