What is Creating Connections?
Creating Connections is a program where we create student-led spaces for traditionally marginalized/underserved graduate student populations to come together and build community. These spaces can be focused on a specific topic of interest, can be an open forum to discuss student experiences, or can feature guest speakers. Student facilitators who lead the spaces will create a plan for each event tailored to the group.
We are currently seeking student facilitators for Creating Connections in spring 2023!
Interested in serving as a student facilitator? Click here to learn more and apply by January 12, 2023.
What marginalized/underserved graduate student populations will have events for Creating Connections?
Populations are determined by student facilitators. The populations we currently have facilitators for are:
- Black Men
- Parenting Students
- Queer Students
- International Students
What about other marginalized/underserved graduate student populations?
We are excited to offer more Creating Connections spaces as more students volunteer to facilitate the spaces! Interested in facilitating a Creating Connections group? Click here!
When do Creating Connections groups meet?
Parenting Students
January 25, 6-7 p.m. (Zoom Link)
January 27, Noon-1 p.m. (Zoom Link)
February 22, 6-7 p.m. (Zoom Link)
February 24, Noon-1 p.m. (Zoom Link)
More Spring 2023 meeting times and information coming soon!
Who can I contact with questions?
Contact Ryan Provost at provost.17@osu.edu or at (614) 292-2361.