Educational Studies Small Research Grants for Graduate Students

We are pleased to announce that we have some funds that have been set aside to support graduate student research projects in the Department of Educational Studies. We will be accepting proposals from students for small grants to support research projects. Preference will be given to the support of dissertation research, but other proposals will also be considered. Proposals will be due by Thursday March 30th at 4:00pm. Please use the following format:

  1. Name and contact information; please include your degree program, year in program, program area/concentration, and name of advisor.
  2. Provide a one-two page summary of the proposed project. This should include (a) a brief rationale for the project, (b) a brief description of your methods and/or a sample (if applicable), (c) proposed analysis plan (if applicable), (d) expected outcomes and/or deliverables, and (e) proposed timeline.
  3. Please describe current IRB status, if IRB approval has not been obtained, please indicate timeline for that process.
  4. If this is a dissertation, please indicate the current status of the project (i.e. has proposal been approved, proposal being written now…)
  5. Please include a letter of support from your advisor. The letter must specifically describe the feasibility of completing your project within the proposed timeline. The letter may be included with your application or submitted separately by your advisor.
  6. Budget (maximum of $500)
    1. Please include a breakdown of expenses
    2. Please include a timeline for these expenditures

Examples of acceptable expenditures include (but are not limited to):
Stipends for students who will assist in the research
Purchase of supplies directly related to the research
Purchase of software directly related to an ongoing project or pre-existing data
Purchase of transcription services
Incentives for participation
Local travel to research sites

Funds for travel to conferences or for personal salary are not acceptable expenditures. All awardees will be required to turn in a brief summary describing how funds were used and the overall success of the project.

Please submit proposals to Helen Higgins ( by Thursday March 30th at 4:00pm. Preference will be given to students who have not received this funding during the past two years.


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