In high school, I held leadership positions in dance and band for several years. Since attending Ohio State, I have continued to pursue leadership. In my freshman year, I was elected into two leadership positions for the Collegiate Council on World Affairs (CCWA), Chief of Staff and Executive Secretary. I am also participating in the Second-Year Transformational Experience Program (STEP), so I am in the process of creating, and leading, my own project. My internship/fellowship experience at the Franklin County Auditor’s office and my research assistant experience also provided opportunities to hone my leadership skills. I think my experience with the NAACP was the most formative leadership experience and it gave me an opportunity to become a leader in a community organization. I have also been hired to perform in a few dance performances at the Beeler Gallery.
I plan to continue holding leadership positions in CCWA. I also hope to become an influential member to the research team I am assisting. I want to continue seeking out internships that not only progress my career, but also benefit the community. I will create and execute a STEP project that will develop leadership skills. I also hope to continue participating in areas that are not directly related to my majors, such as dance.