Casa La Parrot, a pet store in Grand Rapids, Michigan is currently under quarantine from now until October 31st after two confirmed cases of Psittacosis, or “parrot fever.” The disease is caused by the organism Chlamydophila psittaci, a gram-negative intracellular bacterium. Infected birds present with inflamed eyes, labored breathing, appetite loss, lethargy, and water droppings with green urine. These droppings as well as nasal discharge, serve as the main source of infection to other birds. The bacterium becomes aerosolized in the dust and dried secretions, can be consumed directly, or spread through fomites in shared environments. Birds serve as the natural reservoir for C.psittaci, most commonly seen in pet birds such as parrots, parakeets, macaws, and poultry.
However, Psittacosis does not merely infiltrate those with feathers; it is zoonotic, able to be transmitted to humans through inhalation of dried secretions of infected birds. The incubation for this infection is 5-19 days, in which humans who are cleaning the cages or handling the birds are most at risk. Infected humans present with symptoms similar to influenza, such as fever, muscle aches, and chills. In rare cases more serious manifestations can occur, such as severe pneumonia, endocarditis, hepatitis, and neurologic disease. In most cases, however, the disease is self-limiting and resolves within 10 days. Due to this, Psittacosis is a reportable disease.
So what happened there?
At Casa La Parrot, only two cases were confirmed with serologic testing, but over a hundred birds were quarantined. The confirmed cases were treated with antibiotics and are no longer showing clinical signs, but the quarantine stands to further reduce the risk to the public before placing the birds back on the market. Furthermore, the store is refusing to take in any new birds during the course of the quarantine. This minor outbreak certainly could have grown out of control without the quick action of the pet store workers. There really was not much more that they could have done to prevent the outbreak, considering that there are no vaccines against psittacosis. Storeowners should be vigilant in the future to screen for disease before placing birds with a new home.
So what can owners do?
Owners should be advised on how to not only recognize the disease once symptoms arise, but also prevent the spread! If your bird starts to show more frequent shedding, decreased activity level, inflamed eyes, or fever, inform your veterinarian immediately. Handle the bird with gloves during transport and cage cleaning. Remember that keeping the cage environment as clean as possible is one of the most important ways owners can prevent spread. The longer the secretions are allowed to sit in the bird’s environment, the greater the chance for bacterial growth and infection. But don’t worry! The incidence of psittacosis is still very low in United States. With proper attention and diligence, you and your feathery friends can continue to live in healthy harmony!