Server Rules

Follow Common Courtesy

There are not many rules on the server, but they’re not too difficult to adhere to. Punishment for breaking the rules will most likely end with being banned from the server. The specifics will be decided on a case-by-case basis. The rules of the server are:

  • No Stealing anything from any other player.
  • No Griefing without prior permission. Don’t go around killing people especially if you don’t know them. if you do end up killing someone accidentally or with permission, help them get back to their grave to retrieve their inventory.
  • Don’t Destroy other players builds or items without prior permission. If you, or a nearby creeper, destroys something that isn’t yours then you have to fix it to the best of your ability. If you are unable to fix it then you are to either leave a sign or book in game or post in the discord what happened. You can also ask another player for help if any are online at the time, most would be more then willing to help.
  • Pay for items in the Shopping District at the price listed by the owner. If there is some confusion on what to pay and how much to take you can ask another online player, post in discord or to check the listed price in the google Docs page here.
  • No Squatting. You are not allowed to move into someone else’s base or builds without their permission.

If you have any questions about the rules please post them on the discord server or comment below. Someone will answer you and this page will hopefully be updated to be more helpful.

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