- An, Jinsoo. Parameters of Disavowal: Colonial Representation in South Korean Cinema. University of California Press, 2018.
- Lee, Namhee. The Making of Minjung: Democracy and the Politics of Representation in South Korea. Cornell University Press, 2009.
- Jackson, Andrew David. “Jürgen Hinzpeter and Foreign Correspondents in the 1980 Kwangju Uprising.” International Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 17, 2020, pp. 19-37.
- Shim, David. “Cinematic Representations of the Gwangju Uprising: Visualising the “New” South Korea in A Taxi Driver.” Asian Studies Review, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 454-470.
- Lie, John. Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea. Stanford University Press, 1998.
- Williams, Linda. Playing the Race Card: Melodramas of Black and White from Uncle Tom to O. J. Simpson. Princeton University Press, 2001.
Online Resources
- The Korean Film Archive’s YouTube channel hosts many beautifully restored South Korean films with subtitles.
- DPRK Video Archive, a YouTube channel “Helping the English speaking world understand North Korea propaganda,” has a playlist of North Korean films with English subtitles.
- Asia for Educators contains resources for teaching about East Asia, including the Koreas.