Our online surveys will be asking you about your health behaviors, attitudes, and basic demographic characteristics (e.g., age, education). We also may ask for your contact information (e.g., email address) so we can send you the surveys and gift card payments. The records of this study will be kept private. Your personal data will be stored securely. We will work to make sure that no one sees your survey responses without approval. But, because we are using the Internet, there is a chance that someone could access your online responses without permission. In some cases, this information could be used to identify you. Your data will be protected with a code to reduce the risk that other people can view the responses.
All digital data is encrypted and password protected and only accessible by approved personnel.
All physical data is locked and only accessible by approved personnel.
Any data presented or published will only show study id numbers.
For more questions or concerns please contact: email eahp@osu.edu or phone:614-398-1546
The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity institution
For questions about this study, contact email: eahp@osu.edu or phone:614-398-1546