- Neural spectrospatial filter (in pptx). CMU Language Technologies Institute Colloquium, Pittsburg PA, April 2022.
- A deep CASA approach to talker-independent speaker separation (in pptx). Keynote lecture at ASRU-19, Singapore, December 2019.
- The cocktail party problem: A case study in deep learning (in pptx). Expert-to-nonexpert primer at ICASSP-19, Brighton UK, May 2019.
- Deep learning based speech separation (in pptx). Three-hour Tutorial at INTERSPEECH-18, Hyderabad India, September 2018.
- Supervised speech separation (in pptx). One-hour Tutorial at IWAENC-16, Xi’an China, September 2016.
- Supervised speech separation (in pptx). Three-hour Tutorial at ICASSP-16, Shanghai China, March 2016.
- Deep neural networks for supervised speech separation (in ppt). Keynote lecture at the International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), Liberec, Czech Republic, August 2015.
- From auditory masking to supervised separation: A tale of improving intelligibility of noisy speech for hearing-impaired listeners (in ppt). Invited talk at the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe CA, July 2015.
- From auditory masking to binary classification: Machine learning for speech separation (in ppt). Plenary lecture at IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz NY, Oct. 2013.
- Speech segregation (in ppt). Tutorial at ICASSP-10, Dallas TX, March 2010.
- A hidden Markov model framework for multi-target tracking (in ppt). Plenary lecture at IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, U.K., Sept. 2009.
- Computational auditory scene analysis and its potential application to hearing aids (in ppt). Invited talk at the International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe CA, Aug. 2008.
- Cocktail party processing (in ppt). Invited talk at the World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hong Kong, June 2008.
- The time dimension for scene analysis (in ppt). Plenary talk at the International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2007.
- Robust automatic speech recognition by transforming binary uncertainties (in ppt). Intelligent Sound Workshop, Karlslunde, Denmark, May 2007.
- Speech perception in noise and ideal time-frequency masking (in ppt). Technical University of Denmark Center for Applied Hearing Research, Lyngby, Denmark, April 2007.
- Effects of reverberation on pitch, onset/offset, and binaural cues (in pdf). AFOSR/NSF Workshop on Speech Separation and Comprehension in Complex Acoustic Environments, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2004.
- Auditory segmentation and unvoiced speech segregation (in ppt). Hanse Workshop on Auditory Scene Analysis and Speech Perception by Human and Machine, Delmenhorst, Germany, Aug. 2004.
- On computational objectives of auditory scene analysis (in pdf). NSF Workshop on Perceptives on Speech Separation, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2003.
- Speech segregation based on sound localization (in ppt). International Workshop on Spatial and Binaural Hearing, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2003.