The Ohio State University
Discharge estimates for AirSWOT data, with 1 SD error bars provided for BAM and MetroMan (DassFlow does not generate a discharge uncertainty estimate).  USGS data (black line) is shown with  ±10% relative uncertainty (grey area).

New paper by Steve T

One goal of the Measuring the Water Cycle research group is to improve global estimates of river discharge by utilizing remote sensing data to fill gaps in gaging networks. With currently available data, this is a hard problem: the satellite…

New paper by Apoorva

New paper by Apoorva

Apoorva Shastry has just had a paper accepted in Frontiers. Describing it, she writes: According to the World Disasters Report, over 59,000 people were killed with 865 million people directly affected by floods between 2005 and 2014. The economic damages…