Thundersnow reported in Mentor, Ohio
Via Slate. Click through for a link to a YouTube video. Tons of lake-effect snow!
Crazy Alps photoshoot
To celebrate the anniversary of the Matternhorn ascent, Robert Bösch and others hiked into the alps and staged a ton of crazy shots. Here’s one: One of the shots from the photoshoot On BoredPanda. Via Faith.
Do snow-dominated basins have lower or higher runoff ratios?
The recent Nature Climate Change paper by Berghuijs et al. analyzed the MOPEX catchments. Interestingly, they found that streamflow is greater for snowmelt-dominated catchments: In their Fig 1b, they show that basins with snow:precipitation ratio of 0.6 vs. 0.2 would…
New ocean bathymetry map from Scripps
Via Engadget. So cool:
Ben Vander Jagt wins ION graduate student award
Ben Vander Jagt has won an ION graduate student award (link). Congratulations, Ben!
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