The issue that I have chosen is misinformation and fake news. The major causes of my issue include the proliferation of social media sites which make it easier for false information to spread rapidly as well as making the legions of trolls that patrol them much more prevalent. Another cause is the the events of the 2016 election which for many blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Finally fake news has become much more common because of the “Filter Bubble” effect which isolates people from opposing viewpoints and makes them less likely to see things that make them think critically. The factors that contribute to my issue include the failure of social media sites to police them effectively, citizens not inspecting their sources and accepting them at face value and, media sources exploiting the crisis to spread a narrative or to attack those who oppose them.
I think the greatest challenge to addressing the root causes is the sheer anonymity of the internet and the general lack of accountability. Trolls on the internet take no responsibility for any actions they take while online and they only want to spread fear and strife. Legitimate news source however are not without fault though as they tend to pander to sensational news, playing on peoples emotions instead of focusing on facts and news sources and using the 24 hour news cycle to bury stories that don’t fit the narrative. I also think that the current administrations hostile attitude towards news sources doesn’t make it easier to find solutions.
Not many policies have any impacts on my issue but again, the current administration is hostile to any sources that go against its narrative and has openly berated multiple journalists and threatened news organizations with lawsuits. This has resulted in the public either being outraged by these statements or taking the administrations side. However I think that a policy should be created to force social media sites to ensure that their users are protected and prevent the epidemic from worsening. Also, while the current administration has taken an ambiguous stance towards what actually constitutes fake news, I truly believe that they may have to step in and acknowledge the problem even though it helped them considerably during the election. I also think local newspapers should take a step in helping there community avoid the spread of misinformation.
This affects Columbus and Ohio State mainly through social media that most people use. Fake news tends to flood a persons search engine ad social media page after the websites algorithms have figured out their political leanings and that causes the person to fall into the “Filter Bubble” effect. Ohio was especially inundated with fake news during the end of the 2016 election, being a swing state. Various factions attempted to sway voters last minute by flooding Facebook and other social media sites with false stories and outrageous claims. There are no local organizations dealing with this problem although it is still a concern.
TED Talk
From this TED talk I learned the importance and responsibility of citizens to check their sources themselves but the blame still falls to social media to protect users and fight fake news on their site. I don’t think that there any strong biases in this media but she definitely has a liberal leaning viewpoint.