
Month of Action: Mid-Point Check In

So far the actions I have taken include using Snopes to debunk misleading news stories, I have used and read reliable news sources and, even though I enjoy reading The Onion I never tell people it I real. It is going good so far but, my individual contribution is relatively small and society as a whole needs to change. Also I still think that Facebook hast done enough to help mitigate their problem ant I think that need to fix their algorithms and alert tie users to the problem and their sources. I don’t need to make any adjustments to my my plan and I think that I can continue on the way I have been going. So far I have learned that fake news especially targets peoples emotions and preys on their fears. Concerning the arming of teachers schools there were numerous unverified claims of teachers accidentally or purposefully firing on their students. I also noticed that fake news creators have adapted to the recent suspicion of them as they have begin to cite fakes or unreliable sources in an attempt to legitimize themselves. There have been no challenges to my work but I think its still amazing how much fake news there is still out there.


My Month of Action Plan

The issue I have chosen if fake news and misinformation. Ten actions that anyone can take to prevent their spread include:

  1. Use the CRAAP test the reading and evaluating stories: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose.
  2. Avoid sensationalist or outrageous stories that prey on emotions instead of dealing with facts.
  3. Make sure that the story and source are for a reputable source and that their sources are real as well.
  4. Block or mute users who spam you with fake news but don’t seal yourself inside a bubble
  5. If you get in an argument don’t attack them personally and try to avoid patronizing them or shaming their beliefs.
  6. On social media,  Snopes is an excellent source to distinguish especially tricky stories.
  7. If you do find a verifiable fake news storer NEVER pass it on even as a joke.
  8. If you use twitter, correct any false tweets you send and delete them to prevent their spread.
  9. Retain a healthy dose of skepticism at all times.
  10. If you can afford it, subscribe to trusted news sources to help them stay strong and get the word out.

Some challenge I may face include the anonymity and vastness of the internet, the difficulty in tracking this trend and, the impossibility of swaying peoples minds and totally cracking down on liars. But I now that I can still make a difference no matter how small by taking actions 1,5,7, 9 and, 10. These actions are easy for everyone to do and I know that by doing them I will make a difference.

Over the course of this month I hope to actually make a difference by educating people about the dangers of fake news and preventing its spread. I also want to show that it is possible to be a part of social media without being influenced by the dark part of the web while being a citizen who is both responsible and active. Finally I want to prove that not all news and fake news and show people that the media can be trusted, as long as you are skeptical and think clearly.




Issue Exploration Post

The issue that I have chosen is misinformation and fake news. The major causes of my issue include the proliferation of social media sites which make it easier for false information to spread rapidly as well as making the legions of trolls that patrol them much more prevalent. Another cause is the the events of the 2016 election which for many blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Finally fake news has become much more common because of the “Filter Bubble” effect which isolates people from opposing viewpoints and makes them less likely to see things that make them think critically. The factors that contribute to my issue include the failure of social media sites to police them effectively, citizens not inspecting their sources and accepting them at face value and, media sources exploiting the crisis to spread a narrative or to attack those who oppose them.

I think the greatest challenge to addressing the root causes is the sheer anonymity of the internet and the general lack of accountability. Trolls on the internet take no responsibility for any actions they take while online and they only want to spread fear and strife. Legitimate news source however are not without fault though as they tend to pander to sensational news, playing on peoples emotions instead of focusing on facts and news sources and using the 24 hour news cycle to bury stories that don’t fit the narrative. I also think that the current administrations hostile attitude towards news sources doesn’t make it easier to find solutions.

Not many policies have any impacts on my issue but again, the current administration is hostile to any sources that go against its narrative and has openly berated multiple journalists and threatened news organizations with lawsuits. This has resulted in the public either being outraged by these statements or taking the administrations side. However I think that a policy should be created to force social media sites to ensure that their users are protected and prevent the epidemic from worsening. Also, while the current administration has taken an ambiguous stance towards what actually constitutes fake news, I truly believe that they may have to step in and acknowledge the problem even though it helped them considerably during the election. I also think local newspapers should take a step in helping there community avoid the spread of misinformation.

This affects Columbus and Ohio State mainly through social media that most people use. Fake news tends to flood a persons search engine ad social media page after the websites algorithms have figured out their political leanings and that causes the person to fall into the “Filter Bubble” effect. Ohio was especially inundated with fake news during the end of the 2016 election, being a swing state. Various factions attempted to sway voters last minute by flooding Facebook and other social media sites with false stories and outrageous claims. There are no local organizations dealing with this problem although it is still a concern.

TED Talk

From this TED talk I learned the importance and responsibility of citizens to check their sources themselves but the blame still falls to social media to protect users and fight fake news on their site. I don’t think that there any strong biases in this media but she definitely has a liberal leaning viewpoint.


Issue Selection Post

The issue I have selected is the rampant spread of misinformation that has permeated our society in the past two years. I have selected this issue because it poses a serious threat to our society and has caused a lack of trust to infiltrate every aspect of it. This obviously presents a serious problem for all of us as some may be able to differentiate between the truth and lies . This issue is especially important to me because this uncertainty is not only used to attack environmental issues which I care deeply about but also other issues that matter to me and many others.

Other issues that I considered choosing were climate change, the GMO controversy and, alternative energies. However I realized that the misunderstandings surrounding them have played a critical roll in preventing is from embracing them.

To effectivly explore my issue I will need to keep an open mind an everything I encounter but I will also need to remain rational and think logically about the issues. I will also need a health dose of skepticism especially when reviewing less than reputable sources.

While finding disreputable sources should be a piece of cake it may be difficult to actually take any actions but many solutions are readily apparent.

This issue falls under all three sections of the pillars of sustainability especially society and if I choose specific environmental issues than it is also a part of the environment pillar. I will probably choose to do that as those are issues I care deeply about and tend to be drowned out by misinformation and lies.


Columbus Tod Do List Part 2

When we visited Goodale Park it was a relatively cold day but it was very bright and sunny. We walked around for a bit and then sat under the gazebo for a while. It is a really nice park and I would highly recommend that other people visit it. 










We also went to Tasi and tried an appetizer. I am I got chocolate muffin and it was very good but not the best I’ve ever had. I would defiantly recommend people go if they want to find a hidden gem in Columbus. 


We also got coffee at One Line Coffee. I am not a coffee person so I didn’t like anything there but the others enjoyed their coffee so I would recommend it to those who like coffee. 
We also got ice cream at Jeni’s and I  love it. I got the chocolate and it is probably my favorite chocolate form any ice cream store. It was however a little pricey.


Buying candy at Rocket Fizz. I love going to candy stores and this place had a huge selection. I got a good amount of candy and really enjoyed it. We didn’t try the ice cream but it looked good.


For the final part of the Columbus To Do List we visited 5 more locations:Rocket Fizz, One Linen Coffee, Tasi, Jeni’s Ice Cream and, Goodale Park. We visited all four on a tour of the short north and we really had a great time. My favorite experience was the Olentangy  Trail. I absolutely love walking it and I try to do it at least two time a week in either direction. I especially enjoy the North Trail and the bridges the path crosses. From this assignment I learned that Columbus is a diverse city with lots to offer form food to sightseeing to adventure. I also learned that Columbus is a a friendly city because everyone that passed us greeted us and everyone in the restaurants we visited was extremely polite. After this I would really like to go further into the city and see the parks I the the inner city and maybe some metro parks outside it. The socio park seemed especially interesting and I will try to go there after winter break. I would recommend someone doing the same assignment would familiarize themselves with the COTA bus system and try to map out the trip as we got a little lost looking for a few locations.

Career Exploration Reflection

My RIASEC letters were ICR. I was the most important one to me because all of the attributes reflect me. For the career path I am currently at focusing and goal setting on my career path. I am setting goals for myself by searching for possible internships, making connections and gathering as much information as possilbe on my future career.  Also I am taking classes that interest me so I can expand my horizons and meet as may people as possible. From this workshop I learned the importance of not stressing about income and instead focusing on being happy. I also learned that it is bad to search for a soul mate careered just doing what appeals to me. However I disagree with the O*net  career as I describe below and I don’t think the RIASEC attributes are fully all encompassing and even the ones I chose do not really fir me fully. The recommended careers include various types of mechanics, engineers and technicians. These careers do not interest me at all soothes are of little use to me but it is still interesting that they are recommended. There are also environmental protection officials and environmental scientists which is much more my style and something that could possibly interest me later. I was disappointed that my current path does not directly appear but various ones related to it do so I am on the right path but I know that my chosen career is absolutely what I want to do. My career has been ingrained in me for a long time as it is a passion that I have developed through my experiences.  My academic path right now reflects my chosen career as I am taking two environment related classes. Next semester however I am taking classes related to public affairs and sociology as well as community and the environment. I also plan to take even more environmental classes as well as more public affairs classes so I can pursue a minor in it.  My next step is to find and internship related to my interests and make connections so that I have future job prospects. I also have to stay in contact with the people from my past internships so that I can receive recommendations from them. Finally I need to get to know my professors to that they can help me out and I can use them as references in there future and make as many more connections as possible.

Columbus To Do List: Part 1

For this project I have chosen the Nature an Outdoor Adventure. I love being outdoors and going to parks so this list seemed appropriate for me. I am most looking forward to the Scioto Mile park because I love going to parks especially ones with interesting features such as the large fountain. I also want to go to the Audubon Park and see what it has to offer as it seems especially beautiful. Finally I would like to see the greenway if I have a chance because I love hiking.

From this project I really want to see all Columbus has to offer nature and outdoors wise as well as find good places to study or do things with my friends. Also because city parks tend to be places of gather I can meet new people and find new places to eat or hang out. Parks are also a great place for me to relax after a stressful day or a quiet place to be alone if I need it.

My first location was the Olentagy Trail. I have walked the entire length multiple times and it is beautiful. I especially enjoy crossing the two bridges on the northern route and observing the geese as they feed. Tuttle park is also fun to walk through as there always people paying games or families having a good time.  I would absolutely  recommend everyone walk the entire length and see all that the trip has to offer. I also recommend that people walk with friends so that they can all enjoy it together.


Peer Mentor Reflection

From this meeting I learned the the importance of not stressing about things, staying calm and managing my time. We first discussed the importance of managing academics. Leah described how she had changed between different majors and had remained undecided for some time. She assured men that while changing majors can be stressful it in no way puts you behind everyone else. We also talked about ways to study for classes and the best places to do so. She recommend I find somewhere quiet and study using flashcards to help with memorization. She also gave me advice on studying for a class that we both share ENR3300 and we discussed what we enjoyed about the class and what we did not.

For involvement I talked about howI am on the club swim team while she discussed her experiences in theater. We both agreed that it is also important for everyone to get involved in some things but also the importance of having time to yourself. She also describe to me the experience she hat this past summer assisting one of her professors and her experiences. She highly recommended that I speak to my professors about opportunities. She also said internships would be amazing and are perfect for resume building.

Next she told me of how being part of the scholars program had been a huge asset for her, making it easier to make friends and being part of a community that has a common interest had really helped with adjusting to college life. She enjoyed the many opportunities that scholars offered especially the camping trip and team building activities. I also described how much I enjoy the scholars program and how glad I am to be in it.

On the subject of careers Leah described how she originally wanted to pursue a theater career  but when she changed majors she decided to instead look into careers in the EPA or working with endangered species. She also described how she intends to use her minor in her career as well. I described how I want to work in the government as well. She said that it is important to have other options as well ignorer to have backup incase things do not work out.

She told me that the most important thing is to not get overwhelmed by everything and that it is vital to find balance. She described how she initially struggled to adjust to college dealing with homesickness and the pressures of classes and grades but she eventually overcame it and enjoyed her first year experience. They most important thing she learned was that stressing about being “behind” others and making sure that she balances school and social life for maximum success. She said she wished someone had told her the importance of the balance because she originally believed she could do it easily but she did not anticipate the challenge.

This interview was very informative and Leah’s information will help me make the right decisions. Peer mentors are an important part of the first year experience and help freshmen adjust though assistance from an experienced mentor.


My VIA Strengths Inventory

My Top 5 Strengths

  1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence- noticing and appreciating the beauty and excellence in all things
  2. Forgiveness- forgiving those who have done wrong and giving others a second chance
  3. Prudence-making smart decisions and considering consequences
  4. Honesty- telling the truth and taking responsibility for ones actions
  5. Judgement- not jumping to conclusions and thinking things through and well as considering other points of view

I think my order is relatively correct and I don’t disagree with the traits, I just don’t think that appreciation of beauty and excellence is my number one trait. While  I definitely notice and appreciate the beauty in things and love going to scenic places I don’t thing it is necessarily a strength just a thing that I love and appreciate.  One strength that I use is forgiveness because I believe in letting things go and reconciliation. I try to avoid holding grudges and I always give someone a second chance. I wish that humor and bravery were higher because those two traits are something that I value in people and I want to grow those traits in me. I also wish that perspective and teamwork were higher because those are important for working well with people and coming to understand them. My favorite trait is is is prudence because it ensures that I make the right decisions and that something I think is very  important for us.

This photo that I took this past summer at Acadia National Park. I really enjoyed the view at the park but this quiet shoreline and the natural beauty of the park was astounding.

About Me

My name is Andrew Dunn and I am 18 years old and I attend The Ohio State University. I want to major in Environmental Policy and minor in Political Science. I am from Olney, Maryland and I went to Sherwood High School. I love to swim and I swam all through high school. During high school i was in the National Honors Society and the Science Honors Society. I also have two bearded dragon as pets.

I am interested in environmental science because of the AP Environmental Science class I took my junior year of high school. The class was extremely interesting to me and my teacher supported my passion and inspired me to pursue this major. I also joined the eco club and went on a retreat for my environmental science class. I really enjoyed it an it has shaped what I want to do for the rest of my life.

After college I would like to work for the EPA and help with policy and decision making for both people and companies. By helping I hope I can help improve our planet and the future. I would also like to help educate people about the importance of preserving and understanding the environment. For two years in a row I have has an internship at NOAA in their headquarters in Silver Spring not far from my house. I did some archiving and file organizing but the most exciting thing was tracking and monitoring Atlantic hurricanes.

I enjoy being outside and this past summer I went to Acadia National Park on Mt, Desert Island in Maine. It was an amazing experience and I loved my time there. The hiking was amazing and there views from the top were breathtaking.