Week 3 Assignment

For this Tiny World design, I chose The Oval. I am certain several other OSU students have chosen this location as well for this design and that is most likely because of the personality of the space. Not only is The Oval an aesthetically pleasing location, but for a lot of students it is one of the first awe inspiring moments they experience as freshman. The Oval is one of the first places I take friends from my hometown to because it is always guaranteed to impress. The Oval has a very strong energy of being alive, full of excitement and fun activities. There are always people lounging about enjoying their days. It is also a very strong social hub where it is relatively normal to meet new people and forge new relationships with people.

The creation process for my Tiny World was actually pleasantly simple. Though this is mostly because I did not complete this assignment until the end of the semester which allowed me to gain my skills through other assignments before returning to this one. Comically, the most difficult portion of this creation process for me was finding the time to get my own photographs taken for the assignment. The main difficulty with this image was editing the panorama photo of The Oval. Several people in the foreground had to be removed from the image with the clone-stamp tool. Additionally, after putting the image into polar coordinates, there were several streaks in the corners of the image that were not aesthetically pleasing that had to be edited also using the clone-stamp tool in an attempt to make it look more natural or at the very least keep the viewer’s attention from being drawn to those corners. No adjustments to shadows or lighting were made because as I looked over the photograph, it did not feel necessary to add any of those edits. The portrait being added was taken in the same lighting and the angle of the lighting source would have casted the shadow behind my body. Overall, I am very pleased with how the design came out and I am glad I had the opportunity to participate in this assignment.

Additionally, enjoy this bonus image of my friends who refused to leave the background of my image during my “photoshoot”.

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