Year in Review

I’ve learned a lot about myself and my values in the past few months of coming to college. The first few weeks were quite rough. It was a new environment, new people, and it was the first time I had to completely take care of myself. The adjustment period lasted a few weeks, and although it was a struggle sometimes, it was definitely a big learning curve. Now, as the semester is coming to an end, I feel more comfortable, and have learned the many traditions and amazing opportunities, due to being a Buckeye. Coming to college as allowed me to strengthen my academic and social skills, and has taught me to be a more confident person.

My sophomore year has been the year I’ve felt I’ve had the most growth as a person and has made me reflect on my values and interests. At the start of the year, I still felt pretty lost with what direction I wanted to head towards for the future. Now, I have a pretty good understanding of what I want to do and would like to pursue PA school. Throughout the year I’ve matured more and evaluated my life values. I’ve gotten better at time management and prioritizing my goals and

A class that has made in impact on me these last two years has been Biology 1114. We got to learn about evolution, species, and how ecosystems work. This class made me interested in how organisms act and how we evolved. I enjoyed learning about the history of all the species, and would like to take more classes that also discuss the evolution of humans, and ways we evolved through medicine and technology.