Year in Review

This past semester has been one crazy rollercoaster ride with many up and many downs. When I first moved into Bowen House on August 16th, I never would have even imagined that this is where my path would take me. Like everyone else, I knew that many college freshmen struggle with the transition to college, but I never thought I’d be one of them. Of course, there’s no better way to learn than making a few mistakes and having to pick yourself up again. I’ll admit I made many mistakes my first semester at OSU. I didn’t study nearly as much as I should have, and I spread myself too thin in an attempt to make the most out of my time here.

Don’t get me wrong, the activities I was involved in were amazing. The Mount Leadership Society Scholars Program allowed me to volunteer at a variety of service events throughout the semester, and it played a vital role in introducing me to my friends and connecting me with health professionals in my field of study. I was also involved in other clubs on campus. One of the most notable ones is the Women in Surgery Empowerment Club. This club was started my first semester and it gave me the opportunity to meet other undergraduates who are just as passionate about helping others and becoming surgeons as I am. Through this club, I was also able to meet several women surgeons and medical students who are aspiring surgeons. These two organizations provided me with great experiences that I’ll never forget, and I hope to continue my journey with them.

As much as I enjoyed all of the amazing opportunities OSU has to offer, I wasn’t able to balance my personal life and my academics very well. That way of living just wasn’t sustainable for very long. I wasn’t getting enough sleep, I wasn’t eating a healthy diet, and I wasn’t doing what was best for my future. I focused on all of the wrong things and forgot the real reasons I came to Ohio State. Months had passed and I realized I was no longer happy with the path I was on, so I decided to make a change. I refocused my energy on doing what was best for me and reevaluated my priorities. I started by reaching out to the people in my life who cared about me and who I knew could help me get my life back on track. No one can get their life back together on their own, everyone needs help. In addition to seeking help from friends and family, I started making more healthy habits. I started eating healthier and going to the gym daily. I also started using a schedule planner, which was immensely helpful in keeping me accountable for setting aside study time. Thanksgiving Break gave me the rest I needed from school, and when I got back to campus I was reenergized and ready to start living a better life. After I got the hang of everything, I was finally back to where I wanted to be.

If there’s one thing I can’t stress enough, it’s that the people you hang around will greatly impact your life in many unexpected ways, so choose wisely. I started surrounding myself with a good group of friends who made sure I took care of myself and stayed on top of my studies. My roommate and I grew closer to each other, and now I can honestly say that she is one of the most important and positive influences in my life. And on top of all of that, I had started doing better on my exams and in all of my classes overall. Learning how to study was definitely a huge barrier, but once I got past that it was all uphill from there. I’ll admit things were pretty rough at the beginning of the year, but it’s never too late to turn things around. Everyone struggles. It just takes a little patience and a little time.

People say it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey, and I agree. However, there’s nothing wrong with trying to make the journey a little more enjoyable for yourself. The most important lesson I’ve learned is that no matter how many times life knocks you down, you have to get back up again. Now I’m on a journey to where I want to be, and I couldn’t be more excited to see where this next semester takes me. Whatever struggles lie ahead, I know I have an amazing support group who will help me persist.

One thought on “Year in Review

  1. My first semester of college has had lots of ups and downs, both which have taught me valuable lessons about myself and my future. My rigorous schedule taught me time management skills which will serve me well for the semesters still ahead of me at Ohio State. Being involved in clubs has been a great way to meet new friends and explore interests that I have always had a passion for.

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