
Courses taught by VDN

MSE 5532 Electronics, Optics, Magnetism Lab (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
Battery lab lecture: https://youtu.be/xbu3I-FvfPU
How to simulate XRD pattern in VESTA: https://youtu.be/HS2jwNz7y_I

MSE 7895 Graduate Seminar and Colloquium (Spring 2018)

MSE 2010 Introduction to Engineering Materials (Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
Recorded lectures from Spring 2020: See playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSIQyXlfw9qfLgvvPpBwzHyB8BpgQPqg1
Tutorial videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSIQyXlfw9qdwg68wJqp0_olWPAkWkiGz

Recorded lectures from Spring 2019
Atomic Bonding https://youtu.be/md4HuljMjBA
Atomic Bonding https://youtu.be/GWxQyAwiZ1M
Crystal Structures I https://youtu.be/G-un35AgwrA
Crystal Structures II https://youtu.be/Zv1x-9cSAHc
Defects https://youtu.be/CSmqOIP4KR4
Defects and Diffusion https://youtu.be/e72d7ookMe4
Diffusion https://youtu.be/Fb_wIFRjanY
Mechanical Behavior I https://youtu.be/-HKWIP11V28
Mechanical Behavior II https://youtu.be/2bB4KuztOZ8
Failure Analysis and Fatigue https://youtu.be/JiAt_VHNd3w
Phase Diagrams I https://youtu.be/01qtzLboJ_k
Phase Diagrams II https://youtu.be/KWbnCncXJPg
Phase Diagrams III https://youtu.be/kOVyfe27TXw
Phase Transformations https://youtu.be/7z5eR7yeAPk
Polymers https://youtu.be/bpq2T8zGHPo
Electronic Materials I https://youtu.be/E0I4LL0TpE4
Electronic Materials II https://youtu.be/wRmpAK1-xzU


Open Source Codes by VDN

Nanoparticle X-ray Diffraction Python Code: DebyeByPy [DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b02191]

Small-angle X-ray Scattering Code: MakeHeatMap [DOI:10.1021/nn5062832]

Voronoi Analysis [DOI:10.1038/nature14872]


Recommended Courses for MSE students

Primary Core

MSE 6730 Thermodynamics of Materials

MSE 6737 Diffusion and Interface Kinetics

MSE 6747 Structure and Defects in Materials

Secondary Core

MSE 6715 Principles of the Characterization of Materials

MSE 6756 Computational Materials Modeling

MSE 6765 Mechanical Behavior of Materials

MSE 6777 Electronic Properties of Materials



MSE 6723 Materials Chemistry

MSE 7193 Symmetry and Crystal Properties

Chemistry 6510, 6540, 7520 Quantum Mechanics

Chemistry 7330 Solid State Chemistry

Chemistry 7120 Electrochemistry