This little comic is about a memory of mine from high school about Wheat Thins.
Finished Work
Autumn 2020
Project 9: Pattern
Finished—Project 8
Finished Project 7
Finished: Project 6
Finished: Project 5
Finished Project 4 Perspective
Finished; Project 3 Tonal Still Life
Tree Project 2 Finished
Comments about links:
How To Draw A Tree: I liked how dark his lines were, which is something I could improve on. His shading was also really informative. I need to get used to the shadow and light patterns, especially with the leaves. My leaves are a bit too defined compared to the narrator’s.
Sarah Simblet: Her attention and dedication to detail is admirable. When she mentioned that she would walk around looking at 30-40 different trees of the same species, it explains how her illustrations capture the trees so beautifully. I did not look at that many trees for this project, nor even if I had I don’t think I would have noticed as many details as she did.