Homework 12

I believe that the collage fulfills the criteria for the assignment. I like the bright colors I found in the magazine which helps activate the page. I also added some different layers so there is a 3-dimensional aspect to it. I could definitely work on the composition of the pieces in the collage and the placement of the different pieces of paper. There is meaning to each aspect though The collage is both abstract and literal. There are many unique shapes in my collage. Some of them blend into the background while other shapes stand out. I incorporated many different materials.

Homework 8; Reflection

I believe my work has fulfilled the criteria of the prospective assignment. There is a sense of depth in both works, but the line contour perspective has more depth than my tonal perspective. Both of my drawings are pretty big. I found that drawing an edge for the drawings to end was immensely helpful. 

Both drawings activate the page in their own way. The line contour perspective drawing is a little blank, but the lines draw the eyes immediately to the back wall of the image. I feel as if the line perspective allows an air of familiarity since it is of a dorm room so many people would recognize it. It’s also realistic. The tonal perspective is more realistic and it catches the eye. My shading is strange since it’s not even but creates an intriguing flow.

The strength of my line perspective is the sense of depth. I feel that I successfully understood the eye-level perspective and drew my lines to connect a central dot. This drawing is very accurate too, in terms of what is present in my room and where they lie. For the tonal one, I like how I shaded the couch. It is well put together and realistic.

There are many areas for improvement. The line drawing can have more differences in line quality. I didn’t quite capture what objects were closer since the lines were all around the same color. The tonal drawing could have some shading improvements. I look back and realize that I should bring my shading closer to the edges. I see that I left a lot of white gaps between different areas which makes it look like they are stickers.