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The following DNP Final Project guidelines serve as general recommendations for organizing the Final Project document. It is recommended students use the most recent APA Edition guidelines for references, tables, figures, charts, and graphs. However, the specific format and content requirements of the Final Project Document are determined by the advisor and committee in collaboration with the student. For example, certain elements in the 5 sections of the general outline may or may not be applicable to the student’s project, or the advisor and committee may recommend other adjustments to the sequencing and content of the outline as appropriate as matched to the individual project. Please note the entire project once completed should range from 20-30 pages at the maximum plus references and appendices. The paper should include a cover page with a 12 word or less title and a 250-word abstract. A table of contents is optional.
*DNP, doctor of nursing practice; PICO, Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome; CMS, Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services; NDNQI, National Dataset of Nursing Quality Indicators; AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely; IRB, Institutional Review Board; EHR, Electronic Health Record; ROI, Return on Investment; VOI, Value of Investment; EPQA, Evidence-Based Practice Process Quality Assessment Guidelines; SQUIRE, Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence;.
August 2021 (Revised from May 2020)