Immersion Experiences: Hours & Goals

Students will accrue immersion hours over several semesters in the DNE program prior to and after the completion of the Professional Examination:

  • DNE 8538: 75 immersion hours (curriculum design; non-precepted)
  • DNE 8781: 75 immersion hours (interprofessional collaborative education; non-precepted)
  • DNE 8998.01: 150 immersion hours (precepted experience)
  • DNE 8998.02: 150 immersion hours (precepted experience)

The first two immersion courses, DNE 8538 & DNE 8781, are designed to help students get broad experiences reflecting the breadth of the role of either the academic nurse educator or the nursing professional development specialist working with various people, organizations, communities, etc. related to nursing education. In the final year of the program, students will complete a total of 300 immersion hours over two semesters in a precepted experience (150 hours in DNE 8998.01 and 8998.02) working toward their final DNE project. These four immersion courses will result in a minimum of 450 immersion hours.

The final immersion courses expanding the student’s expertise and specialized knowledge in advanced nursing education. The execution of the individual Final Project occurs within the immersion practice setting and forms a portion of the immersion experience.

Each DNE will develop written SMART goals within each immersion course. In selecting the objectives, students should carefully consider the competencies identified in the NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators (Halstead, 2019) and/or the Nursing Professional Development: Scope and Standards of Practice (Harper & Maloney, 2022) and develop objectives in areas in which the student would benefit from building their expertise. For each objective, well-specified activities relevant to meeting the objective should be identified for each semester of the immersion experience. Evaluation will be evaluated within the course by our faculty and a self-reflection.


  • Halstead, J.A. (2019). NLN core competencies for nurse educators: A decade of influence. Wolters Kluwer.
  • Harper, M.G. & Maloney, P. (Eds.). (2022). Nursing professional development: Scope & Standards of practice. ANPD.