Approval Process

  • Completion of electronic DNE Immersion Form – The student will complete all the information on the electronic DNE Immersion Form and [to be completed in DNE 8998.01 – DNE Capstone I and DNE 8998.02 – DNE Capstone II] submit it to their faculty advisor.
  • Faculty Advisor Approval – The student’s faculty advisor reviews and approves the electronic draft Immersion Plan via electronic signature and returns it to the student. If the faculty advisor recommends revisions to the proposed Immersion Plan, it is the student’s responsibility to make those updates and get final advisor approval.
  • Upload electronic Immersion Plan form into ReVal – Students enrolled in DNE 8998.01 and DNE 8998.02 must complete this step by the second Friday of the semester.
  • Critical Information to Clinical Placement Office – The student must also provide their site location(s), preceptor name(s) and email addresses to the Clinical Placement Office at Clinical placement will verify that appropriate paperwork is on file and matches the information on the Immersion Plan form in ReVal. Clinical Placement will upload preceptor CVs/forms, preceptor agreements and agency agreements into ReVal as these documents are received.
  • Immersion Plan Revisions Approved by Faculty Advisor – Immersion Plans may develop as the student progresses. Any substantive changes should be incorporated into the Immersion Plan, reviewed, and approved by the faculty advisor. The Clinical Placement office should be notified of any preceptor/clinical site changes.

The Immersion plan should ensure that students with an indirect patient care focus (NPD) or academic focus (ANE) demonstrate the following abilities at the end of the experience:

    • Define actual and emerging problems.
    • Conduct comprehensive organizational, systems, and/or community assessments to identify health, educational, or system needs.
    • Design aggregate-level educational or evidence-based educational interventions.
    • Demonstrate an expert level of understanding of academic nursing education or nursing professional development.
    • Create effective partnerships with diverse stakeholders to achieve educational or health-related organizational or public policy goals.
    • Design student or professional nurse-centered educational programs.