Category P or M Status Committee Members – In the DNE Program, the advisor can be either a Category P (typically faculty who teach in the PhD program) or M (typically faculty who teach in the DNP & DNE programs) Graduate Faculty member. The DNE student’s faculty advisor serves as the chair of the student’s Final Document Project Committee. In consultation with the faculty advisor, the student also selects and requests the participation of two additional Graduate Faculty Members with M or P status, at least one of whom must be from the College of Nursing.
External Committee Members – In addition, there are some individuals who have been specially approved by the Graduate School to serve on DNE Professional Examination and Final Project committees without a petition being required to be submitted to the Graduate School. These individuals are not Graduate Faculty (with P or M status) but instead are appointed by the Graduate School for committee service. Only one external member of the DNE committee may serve.
Faculty Areas of Interest – Information regarding DNE faculty areas of interest can be found on the StudentWeb [to be linked at a later date].