Vision, Mission, Goals and Values of the College

The DNE is a graduate nursing major offered by the College of Nursing. Therefore, the DNE shares the Vision, Core Goals, Core Values and Philosophy with the College of Nursing.

Our vision

The world’s leader in thinking and achieving the impossible to transform health and improve lives.

Our mission

We exist to dream, discover, and deliver a healthier world.

Our core values

Excellence Diversity in people and ideas
Collaboration and authenticity Empathy and compassion
Curiosity and intellectual rigor Personal and professional wellness
Integrity and personal accountability Transformational leadership
Openness, trust, respect, and civility Positivity
Innovation and change Healthy discourse

Our core goals

  1. Produce the highest caliber of nurses, leaders, researchers, and health professionals who LIVE WELL (Lead, Innovate, Vision, Execute, and are Wellness Focused, Evidence-based, Life Long Learners, and Lights for the World, making a local to global impact) and are equipped to effectively promote wellness, impact policy, and improve health outcomes across multiple settings with diverse individuals, groups, and communities.
  2. Sustain innovative high quality educational programs that epitomize student-centered interprofessional learning, which yield exceptional diverse graduates across all levels as evidenced by: (a) pass rates on NCLEX above 95%; (b) advanced practice nursing certification exam pass rates above 95%; and (c) U.S. News & World Report Rankings in the top five.
  3. Increase sponsored award dollars by at least 15% each year to move to the top 10 in NIH funding for colleges of nursing by conducting innovative transdisciplinary research that leads to the discovery and testing of interventions that improve the health and wellness of diverse populations across the life-span.
  4. Empower faculty, staff, students and alumni to achieve their highest career aspirations by enhancing an institutional culture that supports dreaming, discovering and delivering, and an inclusive environment that embraces respect, diversity, positivity, civility and wellness.
  5. Strengthen our partnerships, locally to globally, to improve the health and wellness of people throughout the university, community, state, nation and world.
  6. Improve the health outcomes of diverse populations, which also accommodates growing enrollment in the CON’s nurse practitioner (NP) programs, by increasing the number of nurse practitioner practices or expanding current practices by at least one each year.
  7. Ensure financial security for the CON and additional funding for expanded high quality space and key strategic initiatives.
  8. Increase student and alumni engagement in the CON’s strategic initiatives.
  9. Enhance healthcare quality, health outcomes and academic programming through the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice.
  10. Differentiate the CON as a national and international leader in: (a) interprofessional education, (b) intervention and translational research, (c) evidence-based practice, (d) wellness, (e) innovation and entrepreneurship, (f) community engagement, and (g) global impact.


College of Nursing (2017).  College of Nursing Strategic Plan 2017-2022. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.