Competencies of the DNE Graduate
At the completion of the DNE Program, the graduate will be able to meet the following program-level competencies:
- Translates and evaluates evidence-based principles of teaching and learning into the development, design, implementation, and evaluation of nursing education and practice for a diverse student population to transform the healthcare system
- Demonstrates excellence in leadership roles for the development of practice models, policy, ethical principles, and competencies for nursing education and nursing professional development (NPD)
- Applies evidence-based practice and translational science methodologies into educational scholarship to prepare graduates to be innovative and creative nurse educators prepared to drive change in nursing education and healthcare environments
- Collaborates with interprofessional teams to implement and evaluate evidence-based teaching strategies to promote critical thinking and clinical decision-making in nursing
- Demonstrates inclusion of wellness across multiple educational and practice settings for nursing students, faculty, NPD specialists, and organizations for improved health outcomes
NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators
The National league of Nursing (NLN) developed a set of core competencies based in evidence for nurse educators in 2006, culminating in the first (Halstead, 2007). Amended 12 years later incorporating updated evidence, these competencies guide nurse educator practice in academic and healthcare institutions, alike (Halstead, 2019). They are foundational to the DNE program and directly aligned to the DNE program-level competencies and academic nurse educator (ANE) track. Attainment of competencies will be measured through class discussion, graded assignments, and documentation of immersion hours in Typhon.
Nursing Professional Development: Scope & Standards of Practice
The most recent edition (4th) of the NPD scope and standards document was released in 2022 and is a collaboration between the Association for Nursing Professional Development and the American Nurses Association. They are foundational to the DNE program and directly aligned to the DNE program-level competencies and nursing professional development (NPD) track. Attainment of competencies will be measured through class discussion, graded assignments, and documentation of immersion hours in Typhon. Please see the appendix of the DNE handbook for a copy of the core competencies.
Please see the appendix of the DNE handbook for an outline of each document.
Halstead, J.A. (Ed.). (2019). NLN core competencies for nurse educators: A decade of influence. Wolters Kluwer.
Halstead, J.A. (Ed.). (2007). Nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for nurse educators. National League for Nursing.
Harper, M.G. & Maloney, P. (Eds.). (2022). Nursing professional development: Scope & Standards of practice. ANPD.