Activist Groups Against Fracking

Two activist groups in Southeast Ohio against fracking are Athens County Fracking Action Network (ACFAN) and Southeast Ohio Aliiance to Save Our Water. Links to these organizations can be found below.

ACFAN’s website contains everything someone would need to know about fracking and its dangers in and around Athens County, Ohio. Their front page contains stories highlighting injustices regarding fracking and they have countless resources listed to learn more about fracking. To get people on board with their ideas and educate them about the pollution of groundwater from fracking, they have the following image explaining how fracking contaminates drinking water. This image is straight and to the point explaining the issues with fracking and does so with very little words. It is easy to follow and sums up the major points about fracking contamination.

Figure 8: How fracking contaminates drinking water sources


The Facebook page of Southeast Ohio Alliance to Save Our Water is active in sharing newsworthy stories about the dangers of fracking. They also share relevant news allowing people from Southeast Ohio to mobilize and face the local government with new ideas to prevent further contamination from fracking. The Coshocton Environmental and Community Awareness group is trying to organize a group of people to learn about Buckeye Brine attempting to convert two wells from Class II Brine Injection Wells to Class I Waste Disposal Wells and how this will be problematic. They have the flyer below posted on their Facebook page. The bright red and yellow colors grab viewers’ attention, but there is not any information regarding why this conversion of wells is bad for the water and environment.

Figure 9: CECA Buckeye Brine meeting flyer