Diversabilities ERG: October 2023 Upcoming Events

Hello and Happy Friday!

Here are upcoming disability-related events in October you may be interested in attending.

DSACO October Events Calendar 

Adaptive Sports Connection October Events Calendar 

Adaptive Sports Institute October Events Calendar 

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This years’ theme is Advancing Access and Equity. Check out the NDEAM website, the 2023 NDEAM video, and the resources below to learn more about NDEAM and ways you can celebrate and get involved.

Have a great weekend!

Ashlee Leslie
Disability Program Manager
The Ohio State University
Office of Human Resources, Benefits
Integrated Absence Management and Vocational Services

September: Shining a Light on Spinal Cord Injury Awareness


As the leaves start to change and a hint of autumn fills the air, September brings with it an opportunity to raise awareness for a cause that affects millions of lives around the world. September is recognized as Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals living with spinal cord injuries (SCIs), as well as the remarkable progress being made in research and support for those affected. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this awareness month, share important information about spinal cord injuries, and highlight the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of those impacted.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury is a life-altering event that occurs when the spinal cord is damaged, often due to trauma, accidents, falls, or medical conditions. The spinal cord plays a crucial role in transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body, controlling movement, sensation, and many vital functions.

The impact of an SCI varies greatly depending on the location and severity of the injury. Some individuals may experience partial paralysis, while others face complete loss of motor and sensory functions below the injury site. SCIs can profoundly affect one’s mobility, independence, and overall quality of life.

Why Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month Matters

1. Raising Awareness: Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month serves as a platform to educate the public about the challenges and struggles faced by those with SCIs. Increased awareness fosters empathy, understanding, and support for individuals living with these injuries.

2. Advocacy and Support: The month encourages advocacy efforts to improve accessibility, medical care, and social inclusion for people with SCIs. It’s a time to highlight the need for accessible infrastructure, rehabilitation services, and adaptive technologies.

3. Celebrating Resilience: Spinal cord injury survivors demonstrate incredible resilience and determination. This month honors their strength and achievements, showcasing stories of triumph over adversity.

Promoting Prevention and Research

Preventing spinal cord injuries is a critical part of the awareness campaign. Many SCIs result from accidents that can be avoided with safety measures, such as wearing seat belts, using helmets, and practicing caution during sports and recreational activities.

In addition to prevention, research plays a vital role in advancing treatment options and improving the lives of those with SCIs. Researchers are exploring innovative therapies, such as stem cell treatments and neural regeneration techniques, to restore lost functions and enhance the quality of life for individuals with SCIs.

Getting Involved

You can make a difference during Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month:

  1. Spread Awareness: Share information about spinal cord injuries on social media, and use the hashtag #SCIAwarenessMonth to join the conversation.
  2. Support Local Organizations: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations that provide services and resources to individuals with SCIs and their families.
  3. Educate Yourself: Learn more about spinal cord injuries, their causes, and prevention strategies.
  4. Fundraise: Organize or participate in fundraisers to support SCI research and rehabilitation programs.


September is a time to come together as a global community and stand in solidarity with individuals affected by spinal cord injuries. By raising awareness, advocating for accessibility, and supporting research efforts, we can work toward a future where spinal cord injuries are preventable and those living with them have the resources and opportunities to thrive. Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month reminds us all of the strength, resilience, and potential of the human spirit.


Author: ChatGPT (AI language model)

Title: “September: Shining a Light on Spinal Cord Injury Awareness”

Website: Provided by OpenAI

Empowering Learners: How AI Software Supports Individuals with Learning Disabilities


In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly vital role in various aspects of our lives. One of its most promising applications is its ability to provide assistance and support to individuals with learning disabilities. These innovative AI tools are revolutionizing the way people with learning challenges access education, communicate, and thrive in academic and social settings. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous ways in which AI software can be a valuable ally for individuals with learning disabilities.

1. Personalized Learning Support

AI excels at customization, tailoring content and learning materials to suit an individual’s unique learning style and needs. For learners with disabilities, personalization is a game-changer. Whether it’s adjusting the reading level, modifying the pace of instruction, or offering additional practice exercises, AI ensures that the learning experience is optimized for each student.

2. Accessibility Features

AI enhances accessibility for individuals with learning disabilities through various features:

– **Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text**: AI can transform text-based information into speech or vice versa, helping those with reading or writing difficulties comprehend and communicate more effectively.

– **Visual Aids**: Complex concepts can be simplified through the generation of diagrams, charts, or images, making learning more accessible for individuals with visual processing disorders.

3. Assistance with Organization and Time Management

Organization and time management are crucial skills for academic success. AI can provide valuable support by setting reminders for assignments, deadlines, and appointments. For individuals with learning disabilities, these tools can be a lifeline, helping them stay on top of their responsibilities and reduce stress.

4. Language and Communication Support

AI’s language and communication support capabilities are a boon for learners with disabilities:

– **Grammar and Spelling Checks**: For individuals with dyslexia or language-related challenges, AI can assist in correcting grammar and spelling errors in written work.

– **Communication Tools**: AI-powered communication tools offer predictive text, voice generation, and even sign language translation, supporting individuals with speech or language impairments.

5. Emotional and Social Support

Understanding and managing emotions can be challenging, especially for those with conditions like autism or social anxiety. AI can help by gauging emotional states based on text or voice input and providing valuable feedback and guidance for emotional well-being. Additionally, AI can offer social skills coaching, helping individuals improve their interactions and communication.

6. Study Aids and Content Summarization

AI simplifies complex information by summarizing lengthy texts into concise and understandable content. For individuals with attention disorders or reading difficulties, AI-generated summaries make it easier to grasp key concepts. Study guides generated by AI also assist learners in organizing and reviewing essential information before exams or assessments.

7. Assistive Technology Integration

AI can seamlessly integrate with existing assistive technologies, such as screen readers or speech recognition software. This synergy enhances the overall learning experience, making it more inclusive and efficient.

8. Continuous Improvement

AI is dynamic and can adapt its support based on an individual’s progress. This ensures that the assistance remains relevant and effective over time, aligning with the learner’s evolving needs and goals.


Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the lives of individuals with learning disabilities. By offering personalized learning support, enhancing accessibility, aiding with organization and time management, providing language and communication support, offering emotional and social assistance, simplifying complex content, integrating with assistive technologies, and adapting over time, AI empowers learners to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

However, it’s essential to approach the use of AI in education for individuals with learning disabilities ethically, ensuring privacy, data security, and human oversight. When implemented thoughtfully and responsibly, AI can be a valuable ally in the quest for inclusive and accessible education for all.


Author: ChatGPT (AI language model)

Title: “Empowering Learners: How AI Software Supports Individuals with Learning Disabilities”

Website: Provided by OpenAI

Adapted Athlete Grants Accepted until November

Shared by our friends in the Adapted Sports Institute.

Challenged Athletes Foundation 

CAF’s flagship grant program aims to remove the barriers that exist between adaptive athletes and their pursuit of sport and fitness.

The 2024 Annual Grant application opens on September 1, 2023. No late applications will be accepted. Applicants are notified of the status of their grant via email in late March of 2024.

Click here to learn more.

Diversabilities ERG: September 2023 Upcoming Events

Shared by: Ashlee Leslie

Here are upcoming disability-related events this month you may be interested in attending.


National Learning Academy Series | Available through September 30th


OSU Center for Belonging and Social Change: Disability Connections 

September 6TH, September 13th, September 20th, September 27th | 5-6PM


OSU Neurotrauma Research in Progress (NT RIPS) Seminar Series 

September 8th | 9:30am


OCALI: Autism Open Mic 

September 10th | 2-5pm


OCALI: Guardianship or Supported Decision Making 

September 12th | 7pm


National Association of State Head Injury Administrators’ 34th State of the States in Brain Injury Conference 

September 12th to September 14th


Buckeye Neurotrauma Lectures: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Transplantation to the CNS 

September 15th | 8:30am



September 16th | 9-11AM


OSU: Conversation Strategies for Building Connection Across Difference 

2-day training September 18th and September 20th | 1-4pm


OCALI: Improving Outcomes for People with Disabilities – Economic Stability: Poverty & Food Insecurity 

September 10th | 2-5pm



September 21st | 10-11am


Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Third Annual Virtual Autism Conference 

September 21st | 8:30am


DSACO: Aging & Down Syndrome Caregiver Support Group 

September 26th | 6-7pm


OSU: Navigating Difficult DEI Conversations 

September 27th | 3-4:30pm


Adaptive Sports Connection – September Events Calendar 


Adaptive Sports Institute – September Events Calendar 


DSACO – September Events Calendar 


Have a great day!

OSU Nisonger TOPS Program Informational Session

What is TOPS?

The Transition Options in Postsecondary Settings program at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center offers individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities a unique opportunity to engage in OSU academic coursework and work experiences. In this non-degree program, students earn a 2 or 4-year Workforce Development Certificate centered around individualized student goals.

Join the Nisonger Center at an informational session to learn more.

For active links in the flyer: Info session flyer 2023-2024

Navigating Home Care: A Guide for Parents of Children with Physical Disabilities

Parenting a child with physical disabilities comes with unique challenges and joys. As you strive to provide the best care and support, exploring home care options becomes crucial for ensuring your child’s well-being, comfort, and overall development. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of home care, offering insights, tips, and resources to help parents create a nurturing and empowering environment for their children with physical disabilities.

Understanding Your Child’s Needs:
Every child’s needs are unique, and understanding your child’s specific requirements is the foundation of effective home care. Work closely with medical professionals to identify areas where your child may require assistance, whether it’s with mobility, personal care, therapy, or medical treatments.

Types of Home Care:

  • Skilled Nursing Care: For children requiring complex medical care, skilled nursing services provide assistance with medications, wound care, and medical monitoring.
  • Personal Care Attendants: These caregivers assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and mobility support.
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy: Home-based therapy sessions help your child develop physical skills, improve mobility, and enhance their overall quality of life.
  • Respite Care: Taking breaks is essential for your well-being. Respite care providers offer temporary relief, allowing you to rest and recharge while your child is cared for.

Creating an Accessible Environment:
Adapting your home to cater to your child’s needs is paramount. Consider modifications such as ramps, wider doorways, and accessible bathrooms. These changes promote independence and ensure safety.

Home Care Tips:

  • Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your home care providers. Share your child’s routine, preferences, and any concerns you might have.
  • Caregiver Training: If necessary, provide caregivers with training specific to your child’s needs. This empowers them to provide the best care possible.
  • Consistency: Establish a routine to provide stability for your child. Consistency is particularly important for children with disabilities as it helps them feel secure.
  • Advocacy: As a parent, you’re your child’s best advocate. Speak up about your child’s needs and ensure they receive appropriate care and support.

Resources and Support:

  • Local Disability Organizations (Ohio): Connect with organizations like the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council and Disability Rights Ohio for information, support groups, and resources tailored to Ohio residents.
  • Pediatric Specialists (Ohio): Seek guidance from pediatric specialists at renowned Ohio medical institutions such as Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
  • Online Communities (Nationally): Join national online communities like Parent to Parent USA and Family Voices to connect with parents across the country who share their experiences and advice on home care for children with disabilities.
  • Local Support Services (Ohio): Explore programs like Ohio’s Early Intervention services that provide developmental support and assistance for children with disabilities.

Home care is a vital component of providing the best possible life for children with physical disabilities. By understanding your child’s needs, exploring various care options, and creating an accessible environment, you can ensure their comfort, development, and happiness. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Reach out to local and national resources, professionals, and fellow parents to build a strong foundation of care and love for your child.

(Chat.openai.com, personal communication, August 11, 2023)

Embracing Inclusivity: September’s Calendar of Disability Awareness

September Alopecia Awareness Month United States https://www.naaf.org/
September Achalasia Awareness Month United States achalasiaawareness.org
September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month United States https://www.acco.org/childhood-cancer-awareness-month/
September Lymphoma Awareness Month United States https://www.cancerhealth.com/event/lymphoma-awareness-month-2021
September National Guide Dog Month United States https://www.cute-calendar.com/event/national-guide-dog-month/35402.html
September National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month United States https://www.hydroassoc.org/september-is-hydrocephalus-awareness-month-heres-what-you-can-do/
September National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month United States suicidepreventionlifeline.org/promote-national-suicide-prevention-month/
September Orthostatic Tremor Awareness Month United States https://www.orthostatictremor.org/awareness.html
September Pain Awareness Month United States https://www.theacpa.org/pain-awareness/september-is-pain-awareness-month/
September Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month United States https://cardiovascularcoalition.com/pad-awareness-month/
September Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month United States https://www.pcosaa.org/
September Prostate Awareness Month United States https://www.cancerhealth.com/event/prostate-cancer-awareness-month-2021
September Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month United States https://www.spinalcord.com/blog/spinal-cord-injury-best-ways-to-help-raise-awareness
September Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month United States http://www.thyca.org/how-to-help/awareness/
September World Alzheimer’s Month Global https://www.worldalzmonth.org/
7-Sep Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy United States https://www.mda.org/disease/duchenne-muscular-dystrophy
9-Sep International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day (FASD) Global www.fasday.com/
13-Sep Celiac Disease Awareness Day United States https://www.beyondceliac.org/
15-Sep World Lymphoma Awareness Day – Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Global https://lymphomacoalition.org/world-lymphoma-awareness-day/
16-Sep Disability Awareness Day United Kingdom https://www.disabilityawarenessday.org.uk/show/
18-Sep National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day United States https://www.hiv.gov/events/awareness-days/aging
16-Sep Usher Syndrome Awareness Day Global https://www.usher-syndrome.org/events/ush-awareness-day.html
21-Sep World Alzheimer’s Day Global https://www.worldalzmonth.org/
22-Sep World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Day Global https://www.cmladvocates.net/world-cml-day-9-22
18-24 Sept International Week of the Deaf (may change each year) Global https://wfdeaf.org/
22-Sep International Day of Sign Languages (may change each year) Global https://wfdeaf.org/
25-Sep International Ataxia Awareness Day Global https://ataxia.org/international-ataxia-awareness-day/
26-Sep Mesothelioma Awareness Day United States https://mesothelioma.net/mesothelioma-awareness-day/
30-Sep Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day United States https://www.lgmd-info.org/awareness-day/about-lgmd-awareness-day/



Source: “2023 Calendar of Disability-Related Dates.” Disability:IN, 7 Apr. 2023, https://disabilityin.org/resource/2023-calendar-of-disability-related-dates/.