Free eTraining telework opportunity

Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been able to do some eTraining during my telework.  What’s really great is that it’s free through my membership with the Columbus Metropolitan Library, and it’s called

What I’m taking thus far is a course entitled, “Project Management Simplified,” and it ‘s teaching me about the 12 steps of planning a project.  Meetings with the participants are a must of course, as are having Post-its, and some sort of a board to put them on.  Once your team has put the tasks in a working order (using Post-its!), the eTraining discusses turning that into a Gantt Chart, which I had never heard of.  Happily, there are Gantt Chart templates in Excel, so I’ll have something to play with next academic year; however, first I must finish the exercises for the course

If you are running out of ideas for telework, go to the Columbus Metropolitan Library page.  You’ll need to know your library card number and pin number for your account.

I’m also taking this telework opportunity to learn more about geology.  I’ve always enjoyed the sciences, and it keeps me from watching the news.

I’ll let you know more about that in my next post.

Coping with Covid & the Stay-at-Home Order

Hello Everyone,

I’m Patti Dittoe, and I’ve worked at the OSU Library’s Geology Library for 22 years.  Instead of working in beautiful crumbling Orton Hall, I too am working from home.  This blog will feature what I’ve been up to while at my humble abode.

I’ve been working on digital student training for quite some time now, and that involves working with PowerPoint slides, Google slides, and LibWizard quizzes and tutorials.  Continuing with this work at home was quite challenging at first because all I had to use was an old iPad.  I’m certainly grateful to Library I.T. for allowing me the use of a laptop!  Because of that help, I’m nearly finished with my work on a set of student training that I’ve called the “Circulation Desk Survival Guide.”  This also has helped me cope with COVID-19 and the stay-at-home order.

Here is a sample of a slide from “Patron Confidentiality.” As you can see, I’ve had to dabble in Photoshop also.


President Edward Orton Sr. attempting to get patron information.


This work is not all that I’m doing of course.  In my next post I’ll share news about some training that I’m doing.


More to come!